The Egyptologist Test | Final Test - Medium

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Egyptologist Test | Final Test - Medium

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who interrupts Ralph's request for funding to Lord Carnarvon?
(a) The Lady.
(b) Ahmed.
(c) Carter.
(d) Margaret.

2. Marlowe tells Paul a fabricated story of how he and Ralph found what?
(a) The Poetry of Atum-hadu.
(b) The Admonitions of Atum-hadu.
(c) The Apology of Atum-hatu.
(d) The Discourses of Atum-hatu.

3. CCF sends Ralph a telegram that asks if _____ is accepting investments.
(a) Carter.
(b) Gravison.
(c) Farkley.
(d) Tellison.

4. Why did Marlowe invite Paul to go with him on their four day pass?
(a) To seduce him.
(b) To kill him.
(c) To hurt him.
(d) To maim him.

5. In a letter discovered after her death, Margaret tells Ralph about how Ferrell turned her and CCF against him? What kind of letter was it?
(a) Love letter.
(b) Unsent letter.
(c) Forgotten letter.
(d) Lost letter.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the mummy inspired wrapped body of CCF?

2. What is in the package that ter Breuggen sends Margaret?

3. Marlowe says that after going on a trip with Paul, he will return to what?

4. After Ralph wraps himself up, what does he pour on himself?

5. In which chamber does Ralph place his robe and painting equipment?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when Ahmed returns to Ralph's site and demands money?

2. How does Ralph look when Ferrell finds him in town?

3. What did Ralph do to the columns in the sixth room?

4. What is the subject of, and to whom, has Ralph been sending anonymous telegrams about CCF?

5. According to Ralph's translations, why does Atum-hadu try to stab his new queen?

6. What crimes is Ahmed arrested for?

7. What is the fabricated tale Marlow tells Paul?

8. What does Ralph want to do when he is crying about not being able to open the ninth chamber?

9. What does Ralph place in the first and second chambers after he decorates the first chamber?

10. What does Ralph equate his name with, in his last, insane moments?

(see the answer keys)

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