The Egyptologist Test | Final Test - Easy

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Egyptologist Test | Final Test - Easy

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the Egyptian cat god?
(a) Baslel.
(b) Basenet.
(c) Bashen.
(d) Bastet.

2. Why does Carter come by to deliver Ralph a letter?
(a) The letter was given to Carter to deliver.
(b) There is no one else to deliver mail to Ralph.
(c) The letter was sent to Carter but meant for Ralph.
(d) The letter was mixed in with Carter's mail.

3. A telegram from CCF to Ralph promises to send money but also requests details of what?
(a) The treasures.
(b) The official credentials.
(c) Ralph's work.
(d) Ralph's finds.

4. After Ralph wraps himself up, what does he pour on himself?
(a) Preservation chemicals.
(b) Burning chemicals.
(c) Sulfur chemicals.
(d) Disintegration chemicals.

5. What does Ahmed steal from Ralph?
(a) His jewelry.
(b) His best gramophone.
(c) His money.
(d) His car.

6. Ferrell finds Ralph drinking what?
(a) Vodka.
(b) Soda.
(c) Tea.
(d) Water.

7. In Ralph's last, insane moment, he equates his name with what?
(a) Atum-hadu.
(b) Bastet.
(c) Tut-ke-hamen.
(d) Ra.

8. On Sunday, December 17th, what shows up in the seventh room?
(a) A dead cat.
(b) A calico cat.
(c) A mummified cat.
(d) An orange cat.

9. What keeps Stum-hadu from fighting for long with his forces against the invading Hyksos?
(a) The flu.
(b) A head illness.
(c) A stomach illness.
(d) The runs.

10. Marlowe says that after going on a trip with Paul, he will return to what?
(a) Normal life.
(b) Life at Oxford.
(c) His duties.
(d) A calm life.

11. In which chamber does Ralph place his cane?
(a) The fourth.
(b) The second.
(c) The first.
(d) The third.

12. What does Ralph call the room after the room with the columns?
(a) Chamber of Treasure.
(b) Chamber of Mysteries.
(c) Chamber of Devotion.
(d) Chamber of Secrets.

13. In a letter discovered after her death, Margaret tells Ralph about how Ferrell turned her and CCF against him? What kind of letter was it?
(a) Love letter.
(b) Unsent letter.
(c) Lost letter.
(d) Forgotten letter.

14. Who bars Ralph from making any more inquiries about wired funds?
(a) CCF.
(b) The government.
(c) The doctor.
(d) The bank.

15. Who has Ralph been sending anonymous telegrams to, exposing CCF's interest in pornography?
(a) CCF's boss.
(b) CCF's cardinal.
(c) CCF's wife.
(d) CCF's accountant.

Short Answer Questions

1. Since Carter's find, how much rent does the landlord of Ralph's villa want in advance?

2. When he tells his story of Marlowe and Caldwell's deaths, Ferrell detects what type of behavior from Ralph?

3. What criticism does Ralph level at Carter's find?

4. Carter has found the tomb of King Tut and evidence of what?

5. Ahmed is arrested for whose murder?

(see the answer keys)

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