The Egyptologist Test | Final Test - Easy

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Egyptologist Test | Final Test - Easy

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Ralph going to bring to his dig, once all the translation and analysis is completed?
(a) Lord Carnarvon.
(b) Carter.
(c) The press.
(d) CCF.

2. Ralph says that he has much to finish if mad Ferrell is coming to stamp about with what?
(a) Smoke and mirrors.
(b) Tools and suspicions.
(c) Police and dogs.
(d) Boots and rumors.

3. Who does Ralph meet while at Carter's site?
(a) Lord Carnelion.
(b) Lord Carnarvon.
(c) Lord Carter.
(d) Lord Canterbury.

4. What does Ferrell find at the site of the bonfire?
(a) A letter from Ralph.
(b) A gramophone with Ralph's name inscribed on it.
(c) A Bible with Ralph's name inscribed on it.
(d) A suitcase with Ralph's name on it.

5. Who was the Egyptian cat god?
(a) Basenet.
(b) Bashen.
(c) Bastet.
(d) Baslel.

6. Since Carter's find, how much rent does the landlord of Ralph's villa want in advance?
(a) Four months.
(b) Six months.
(c) Two months.
(d) One year.

7. What does CCF do when he comes into the tomb?
(a) Wakes Ralph.
(b) Beats Ralph.
(c) Takes pictures.
(d) Destroys everything.

8. Where have the Lord and Lady, who were at Carter's site, gone to?
(a) Ireland.
(b) Italy.
(c) England.
(d) France.

9. Carter has found the tomb of King Tut and evidence of what?
(a) Murder.
(b) Plunder.
(c) Abuse.
(d) Theft.

10. Where is the mummy inspired wrapped body of CCF?
(a) The column room.
(b) The second room after the column room.
(c) The room before the column room.
(d) The first room after the column room.

11. What happens when Ralph tries to open the ninth chamber?
(a) He goes to sleep.
(b) He goes mad.
(c) He cries.
(d) He collapses.

12. Who, according to Ralph's translations, prepares Atum-hadu for the underworld afterlife?
(a) Ma'at.
(b) Ma'ag.
(c) Ma'ar.
(d) Ma'ah.

13. What does the constable discover while he is at Ralph's site?
(a) That CCF is dead.
(b) That Ralph is insane.
(c) That Ralph's leg is infected.
(d) Nothing.

14. Marlowe tells Paul that Ralph died where?
(a) In Egypt.
(b) In Turkey.
(c) In England.
(d) In Syria.

15. After Ralph wraps himself up, what does he pour on himself?
(a) Burning chemicals.
(b) Preservation chemicals.
(c) Disintegration chemicals.
(d) Sulfur chemicals.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Sonia Nordquist want Ralph to come home with her?

2. Ahmed is arrested for whose murder?

3. In which chamber does Ralph place his cane?

4. Who releases Ralph from his engagement?

5. What does Ralph call the room after the room with the columns?

(see the answer keys)

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