The Egyptologist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Egyptologist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ralph say is the problem with putting riches into a tomb?
(a) Getting them into the tomb to begin with.
(b) Aging of the riches.
(c) Theft of the riches.
(d) Loss of the riches.

2. What does Ferrell say is one of the motives for human behavior?
(a) Love.
(b) Greed.
(c) Money.
(d) Children.

3. When they slide the second door enough for Ralph to get a look, what does he think he sees?
(a) Statues.
(b) Jewels.
(c) Writings.
(d) Gold.

4. When Ralph sends a telegram to CCF, how does he describe his find?
(a) Sweeping.
(b) Enormous.
(c) Majestic.
(d) Revolutionary.

5. According to Farrell, what kind of addiction does Margaret have?
(a) Cocaine.
(b) Opium.
(c) Cigars.
(d) Pot.

6. Who is Howard Carter?
(a) A book critic.
(b) A famous archaeologist.
(c) A professor at Oxford.
(d) A private investigator.

7. The first day of the dig involves marking the top of what for rope placements?
(a) The hill.
(b) The cliff.
(c) The hole.
(d) The tomb.

8. What does Ralph see beyond the smooth stone removed from the cliff?
(a) Stone bricks.
(b) Stone staircase.
(c) Stone flooring.
(d) Stone blocks.

9. Why does Ralph think that Professor ter Breuggen resents him?
(a) For the popularity of his book.
(b) For not giving Fragment C to the university.
(c) For having Margaret in his life.
(d) For being able to go on a dig.

10. What is the square yardage of the area that Ralph orders his workers to stake out for trench digging?
(a) 250 yard square.
(b) 200 yard square.
(c) 150 yard square.
(d) 100 yard square.

11. Ralph picks what villa to live close to?
(a) Carter's living place.
(b) The worker's living place.
(c) The Pyramids.
(d) The dig site.

12. When Ralph recovers from his illness, what time of day does he visit Carter's find?
(a) At dawn.
(b) At dusk.
(c) At night.
(d) In the daylight.

13. What does Ralph want Margaret to publish as the last section of his first book?
(a) The Tomb Problem.
(b) The Tomb Paradox.
(c) The Tomb Question.
(d) The Tomb Solution.

14. When did Paul Caldwell go missing?
(a) End of Australian Independence War.
(b) End of Egyptian-Syrian War.
(c) End of World War II.
(d) End of World War I.

15. Where are Len and Sonia Nordquist from?
(a) Pittsburgh.
(b) New York.
(c) Minneapolis.
(d) Detroit.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is left out of all ancient Egyptian writing?

2. What does Ferrell join to cash in on search fees for Davies' children?

3. What is in the third room?

4. Ralph's injury and what keep him away from the dig for three days?

5. What type of poetry did Atum-hadu write?

(see the answer keys)

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