The Egyptologist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Egyptologist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ralph lower past the smooth stone once they remove it from the cliff face?
(a) A lantern.
(b) A rope.
(c) A candle.
(d) A light.

2. In order to continue his work on the valley floor, Ralph needs what?
(a) More equipment and tools.
(b) More permits and equipment.
(c) More men and tools.
(d) More men and permits.

3. Why is it easy for Ralph and Ahmed to line up a few workers for their dig?
(a) Because the other major digs haven't started.
(b) Because the workers want to discover treasure.
(c) Because Ahmed is well respected.
(d) Because Ralph is paying the workers well.

4. According to Ferrell, the British government has no record of what?
(a) Trilipush's birth.
(b) Trilipush's citizenship.
(c) Trilipush's death.
(d) Trilipush's military service.

5. Who is CCF?
(a) Chester Crawford Finneran.
(b) Chester Charles Finnegan.
(c) Chester Chaplain Franklin.
(d) Chester Curtis Fennder.

6. How is Ralph planning to travel down the Nile River to his field villa?
(a) By raft.
(b) By boat.
(c) By jeep.
(d) By camel.

7. The floor of the first empty room slants in what direction?
(a) Down.
(b) Right.
(c) Left.
(d) Up.

8. What was Ralph doing on stage when he and Margaret first met?
(a) Giving a talk about Egypt.
(b) Giving a talk about his research.
(c) Giving a talk about his first book.
(d) Giving a talk about his first expedition.

9. When Ralph recovers from his illness, what time of day does he visit Carter's find?
(a) At dusk.
(b) At dawn.
(c) At night.
(d) In the daylight.

10. What does Ralph do to the tomb of King Atum-hadu after his first expedition?
(a) Defames it.
(b) Makes a map of it.
(c) Seals it.
(d) Publishes an article about it.

11. Margaret gave Ralph a sculpture of what before he left?
(a) A tomb.
(b) A cat.
(c) Herself.
(d) A dragon.

12. Ahmed tells Ralph of his deep hatred for whom?
(a) Irishmen.
(b) Australians.
(c) Americans.
(d) Englishmen.

13. When Ralph has to leave Fragment C in Egypt, who does he leave it with?
(a) Harrison.
(b) Marlowe.
(c) Wellington.
(d) Rounders.

14. What is the location of Ralph's villa?
(a) Gnass.
(b) Nile valley.
(c) Luxor.
(d) Cairo.

15. What is the square yardage of the area that Ralph orders his workers to stake out for trench digging?
(a) 150 yard square.
(b) 100 yard square.
(c) 200 yard square.
(d) 250 yard square.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the investors in Ralph's first expedition have in common?

2. With the intention of greasing the bureaucratic skids, Ralph goes to the office of the Director General of what?

3. Where does Margaret say she will go if she cannot accompany Ralph on his next dig?

4. When Ralph finds that the funds haven't gone through, where does he have lunch with his real estate agent?

5. When Ralph picks up the telegram from CCF that promises the funds are going to be wired now that he has found the door, who else has sent him a letter?

(see the answer keys)

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