The Egyptologist Character Descriptions

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Egyptologist Character Descriptions

Arthur Phillips
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Egyptologist Lesson Plans

Ralph Trilipush

This character convinces a set of Boston businessmen to finance an expedition to Egypt.

Harold Ferrell

This character is an Australian detective.

Paul Caldwell

This character is the illegitimate son of another character, grows up in poverty and learns to pick pockets.


This character is a king whose existence is based on Fragment C.

Margaret Finneran

This character's weakness for opium and alcohol keeps her in a sedated state much of the time.

CCF (Chester Crawford Finneran)

This character is a businessman and invests in the expedition with the expectation of great financial returns. This character is then killed with a sledgehammer.

Laurence Macy III

This character does not write anything directly but assembles and arranges journal entries, letters, telegrams and notes to compile this novel.

Hugo Marlowe

This character is an Oxford scholar with a concentration in Egyptology.

Beverly Quint

This character is a...

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