The Early History of Rome: Books I-V Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Early History of Rome: Books I-V Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do the Romans adopt their religion from?
(a) The Greeks.
(b) The Turks.
(c) The Bulgarians.
(d) The Albanians.

2. What does the group, the Aurunci, consist of?
(a) More than one country.
(b) Just one country.
(c) Just one town.
(d) More than one town.

3. How long does the creation and establishment of Rome take?
(a) Years.
(b) Hours.
(c) Months.
(d) Days.

4. What is Circus Maximus?
(a) A large, circular shaped senate building.
(b) A large public stadium.
(c) A large private stadium.
(d) A large, circular shaped courthouse.

5. How does the slave described in the beginning of Rome's new consul learn of the conspirators' plans?
(a) He knows another slave who works for one of the conspirators.
(b) He knows another slave who has overheard their conversation.
(c) He works for one of the conspirators.
(d) He overhears their conversation while passing them on the street.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the political leaders of Rome gain the support of the people early on?

2. What is a difficulty that the author encounters while writing about the history of Rome?

3. In the Romans' victory over the Albans, how many total combatant deaths are there?

4. What is the slave given for his role in preventing the conspiracy?

5. How many days are taken to contemplate the origin of the lights in the sky that are seen after a military campaign?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do the introductory sections of the book cover and what is the overall intent of Livy?

2. What happens after the war with the Aequians, and how do the Romans respond?

3. What is Livy's theory of human nature, and how does it relate to Rome?

4. How does the plague weaken Rome, and what brings them back from possible defeat?

5. Who is Valerius, and what does he do for the Roman people?

6. What is interesting about the Roman religion and where was it adopted from?

7. What are the two different stories about the origin of Romulus and Remus?

8. How is Romulus regarded as a leader, and what things does he have to do in order to build Rome?

9. How are the debtors made to pay for their debt, and what do the creditors do to take advantage of them?

10. What happens to Cloelia and why is her story inspirational to the Romans?

(see the answer keys)

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