The Early History of Rome: Books I-V Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Early History of Rome: Books I-V Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What types of questions warranted the Etruscans' knowledge?
(a) Questions that were hypothetical in nature.
(b) Questions that needed prophecy to be answered.
(c) Questions that had more than one possible answer.
(d) Questions that required a historical knowledge of the areas.

2. What has Veii's internal politics caused them to appoint?
(a) A King.
(b) A Dictator.
(c) A Consul.
(d) A Senator.

3. How do the common people view Caeso Quinctius?
(a) They see him as an enemy.
(b) They see him as an ally.
(c) They are unaware of his position.
(d) They refuse to recognize his position.

4. What is the state of the allies when they approach Rome for mediation?
(a) They are worn down.
(b) They are energized.
(c) They are angry at Rome.
(d) They are confused by Rome's current political structure.

5. What is the state of politics in Chapter 3 of Rome and the Patricians?
(a) Chaotic.
(b) Thriving.
(c) Confused.
(d) Collapsed.

6. How does Postumia disguise her disposition?
(a) With politeness.
(b) With rudeness.
(c) With humor.
(d) With deception.

7. Where does the defeat of Rome mentioned in Part 1of Rome's Capture take place?
(a) Outside of the city.
(b) In Circus Maximus.
(c) In another country.
(d) Inside the city.

8. What are the decemvirs mainly unable to manage?
(a) The financial state of Rome.
(b) The will of the Roman people.
(c) The military of Rome.
(d) The senators of Rome.

9. What happens when the allies arrive in Rome at the end of Rome and the Patricians?
(a) A new party stakes a claim on the land.
(b) The allies decide they no longer need Rome's assistance.
(c) A new party agrees to replace Rome as the mediator.
(d) Rome refuses to allow them entrance.

10. What do the opponents of intermarriage fear?
(a) The decline of the Roman culture.
(b) The government's loss of control.
(c) The unintended economic consequences.
(d) Further attempts to change the definition of marriage even more.

11. What part of the government featured a strong military contingent?
(a) The tribunes.
(b) The plebians.
(c) The senate.
(d) The consuls.

12. What is Caeso Quinctius's opinion of the consuls?
(a) He tries to add mroe consuls to the senate.
(b) He defends them.
(c) He tries to replace them with the tribunes.
(d) He eliminates them.

13. What season do the Romans choose to launch a siege against Veii?
(a) Summer.
(b) Winter.
(c) Spring.
(d) Fall.

14. What is the state of the Roman Republic at the end of the second part of Rome and the Patricians?
(a) The military is eliminated.
(b) The tribunes are eliminated.
(c) The consuls are eliminated.
(d) The senate is eliminated.

15. How do the senators feel about the practices of the decemvirs?
(a) They oppose them.
(b) They support them.
(c) They ignore them.
(d) They do not understand them.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Postumia described?

2. What introduces the idea of different classes being allowed to marry?

3. What decision does Rome make at the end of Rome and the Patricians?

4. How does the government pay for the military?

5. Why does Postumius shockingly threaten his men?

(see the answer keys)

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