The Early History of Rome: Books I-V Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Early History of Rome: Books I-V Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long did Romulus rule for?
(a) Seventeen years.
(b) Twenty-seven years.
(c) Forty-seven years.
(d) Thirty-seven years.

2. How many generations pass between the pre-history of Rome and the recorded history?
(a) Four.
(b) One.
(c) Three.
(d) Two.

3. Although it is a decisive Roman victory, what are the total losses on both sides of the war that results in one of the consuls being injured, and the other being beheaded?
(a) Between eleven and twelve thousand men.
(b) Between eight and nine thousand men.
(c) Between nine and ten thousand men.
(d) Between fourteen and fifteen thousand men.

4. What Latin city does Rome conquer in order to further increase its population?
(a) Turiaso.
(b) Politorium.
(c) Lucentum.
(d) Barcino.

5. How do the people view the senators' fear of the crowds resulting from the debt problem the city faces?
(a) They view it as negative.
(b) They are confused by it.
(c) They view it as positive.
(d) They ignore it.

6. What never changes, according to the opening of The Patricians at Bay?
(a) The way wars are fought.
(b) The way politics are handled.
(c) Time.
(d) Human nature.

7. How many debtors agree to sign up for the military the second time that the government asks them to?
(a) None.
(b) A quarter of them.
(c) Half of them.
(d) All of them.

8. According to Livy, what is the one thing that is needed for all politicians to be elected into office?
(a) People skills.
(b) Financial skills.
(c) Monetary backing.
(d) Respected ancestors.

9. Who does the slave turn the information of the conspiracy over to?
(a) The consul.
(b) The people.
(c) The senate.
(d) The army.

10. How do the senators show their fear for the people's increasing awareness of the debt crisis?
(a) They resign.
(b) They attempt to create new laws for time payments.
(c) They stay away.
(d) They attempt to talk with the people more directly.

11. How many tribes does Rome have at this point in their history in the second part of The Republic?
(a) Thirty one.
(b) Twenty one.
(c) Fifty one.
(d) Forty one.

12. How is Horatius given a reprieve from the death penalty after his tragic response to his sister's reaction to the battle?
(a) He is found innocent of all charges.
(b) The senate does not want to lose him as a soldier.
(c) No witnesses will testify against him.
(d) He is considered to have been in an abnormal state after the battle.

13. What does Servius institute while serving as the King of Rome?
(a) The census.
(b) A limit to what elected officials can earn.
(c) A limit to what the Roman people can earn.
(d) A new trade agreement with other countries.

14. What does the group of pacifists call themselves?
(a) The anti-war coalition.
(b) The peace party.
(c) The peace coalition.
(d) The anti-war party.

15. How common is the interaction between human and divine beings in Ancient Rome, according to Livy?
(a) It happens only once a year.
(b) It happens only twice a year.
(c) It is very common.
(d) It is very uncommon.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are most of the politicians in Rome oligarchs?

2. What does the author tell the reader he is writing about in the first Introduction?

3. Who are the main perpetrators of the mass hysteria surrounding the battles the Romans fight in?

4. How does the slave described in the beginning of Rome's new consul learn of the conspirators' plans?

5. What serious problem do the Romans turn to religion for help with?

(see the answer keys)

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