The Dutch House Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ann Patchett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dutch House Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ann Patchett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who cries at the end of Chapter 4 when Andrea's bedroom rearrangements are revealed to Maeve?
(a) Norma.
(b) Maeve.
(c) Bright.
(d) Danny.

2. How are Sandy and Jocelyn related?
(a) They are mother and daughter.
(b) They are sisters.
(c) They are not related.
(d) They are cousins.

3. Who presides at Cyril Conroy's funeral?
(a) Father Taffera.
(b) Father Brewer.
(c) Father Minty.
(d) Father McCarthy.

4. Who was Danny's father most comfortable with, in Danny's opinion in Chapter 2?
(a) His tenants.
(b) His family.
(c) The people in his office.
(d) The other gamblers.

5. What does Maeve tell Danny about their father's interpretation of the reason their mother left them?
(a) Their mother was not crazy as their father had told Danny.
(b) Their mother had left them because her own parents had disowned her and she wanted to try to make amends.
(c) Their mother had been very sick and that was why she left.
(d) Their mother had left them to go back to the convent.

6. In Chapter 6, why does Andrea call Maeve away from work so suddenly?
(a) She tells her she needs to be the one to put the Dutch House on the market.
(b) She tells her she needs to take Danny and Norma and Bright for good.
(c) She tells her she needs to be the one to fire Sandy and Jocelyn.
(d) She tells her she needs to take Danny from the house with her for good.

7. Where does Danny live after Andrea kicks him out of the Dutch House?
(a) With Fluffy.
(b) With Maeve at her apartment.
(c) With Sandy.
(d) With Jocelyn.

8. What does Maeve's and Danny's old neighbor tell them about Andrea in Chapter 4?
(a) She is the friendliest neighbor she could wish for.
(b) She has plans to move out of the Dutch House.
(c) She can often be heard screaming at her girls.
(d) She never waves or smiles and she seems like a very sad person.

9. In Chapter 4, how does Andrea rearrange the bedrooms at Dutch House?
(a) She takes Norma's bedroom and gives it to Danny.
(b) She takes Bright's bedroom and gives it to Norma.
(c) She takes Maeve's bedroom for herself and Cyril.
(d) She takes Maeve's bedroom and gives it to Norma.

10. In Chapter 6, where does Danny feel most at home?
(a) In the Dutch House.
(b) At the charity where he volunteers.
(c) On a building site.
(d) At medical school.

11. What does Andrea say must be a comfort to Danny's father as she tours the house for the first time in Chapter 1?
(a) The portraits of the Conroys.
(b) The portraits of the Van Hoebeeks.
(c) The fireplaces.
(d) The chandeliers.

12. In Chapter 5, what does Danny say he and Maeve pretended about the Dutch House?
(a) That what they had lost was the house itself rather than their family - their mother and their father.
(b) That they wished the house would burn to the ground, which they really did not wish.
(c) That they wished ill on Andrea and her daughters, which only made them feel worse.
(d) That they still loved the house, when neither of them did.

13. What does Andrea tell Maeve when she offers to take the reins of her father's business after he dies?
(a) The business will be sold.
(b) Their father would not have wanted them involved in the business.
(c) The business will go on with the other people who work there just fine.
(d) It will not be necessary.

14. Why does Maeve want Danny to go to medical school so badly?
(a) So he can use as much money from the trust as possible and wrest it away from Norma and Bright.
(b) So he can become a famous doctor.
(c) So he can become wealthy.
(d) So he can fulfill their father's dream for him.

15. For what holiday does Danny visit Maeve in Chapter 5?
(a) The Fourth of July.
(b) Thanksgiving.
(c) Easter.
(d) Christmas.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 5, how does Maeve wear her hair that Sandy has told her she prefers?

2. In Chapter 6, who was with Cyril Conroy when he fell ill?

3. What was odd about the kitchen in the Dutch House in Danny's opinion?

4. In Chapter 7, who does Maeve turn to for legal advice about the situation with Andrea?

5. In Chapter 6, what does Danny remember his father saying about Andrea marrying a Catholic if she hated Catholics so much?

(see the answer keys)

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