The Dutch House Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Ann Patchett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dutch House Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Ann Patchett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part I (Chapters 1 - 4).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 2, where does Danny go with his father every Saturday?
(a) To volunteer at Habitat for Humanity.
(b) To gamble.
(c) To shop for food.
(d) To collect the rent.

2. What happens to Maeve right after her and Danny's mother leaves for good?
(a) She attempts suicide.
(b) She develops diabetes.
(c) She joins the army.
(d) She runs away.

3. What does Maeve's father tell her after she becomes very ill with diabetes?
(a) She may need to live at the hospital instead of at home.
(b) If she can get better herself, her mother will return.
(c) She will have only the best doctors see her at the house.
(d) She has to stop this.

4. In Chapter 2, what is Danny's mother's behavior leading up to her leaving the family?
(a) She stays in bed all the time.
(b) She yells at the workers in the house often.
(c) She is absent for longer and longer periods.
(d) She takes more and more education.

5. In Chapter 4, how does Andrea rearrange the bedrooms at Dutch House?
(a) She takes Maeve's bedroom for herself and Cyril.
(b) She takes Norma's bedroom and gives it to Danny.
(c) She takes Maeve's bedroom and gives it to Norma.
(d) She takes Bright's bedroom and gives it to Norma.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who came to tell Danny and Maeve their father wanted them to meet Andrea the first time she came to the house in Chapter 1?

2. Who is the nanny Maeve tells Danny later in adulthood that their father was sleeping with?

3. Who performed the wedding ceremony for Andrea and Cyril Conroy?

4. Who cries at the end of Chapter 4 when Andrea's bedroom rearrangements are revealed to Maeve?

5. Who was Danny's father most comfortable with, in Danny's opinion in Chapter 2?

(see the answer key)

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