The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On Sunday, June 20, Ms. Hanff visited ______________ where she met a ticket taker with whom she discussed roses.
(a) Buckingham Palace.
(b) Big Ben.
(c) Russell Square.
(d) London Tower.

2. What did Ms. Hanff do to reassure herself they would be there?
(a) She read their letters again.
(b) She took a nap.
(c) She called them.
(d) She busied herself with other things.

3. First they visited the home of two elderly sisters whose house, Ms. Hanff learned, had once been haunted by a ghost who would grow upset when?
(a) They stayed up late.
(b) They planned to take a trip.
(c) They came home.
(d) They had guests over.

4. Who was supposed to meet Ms. Hanff at the airport?
(a) Ms. Hanff's cousin and the Doels.
(b) Mr. Buckley and a fan of her book.
(c) Nora and Sheila Doel and a fan of her book.
(d) Frank Doel and his family.

5. Ms. Hanff and Mr. Buckley then drove around the city and saw what?
(a) Russell Square.
(b) Big Ben.
(c) The Tower of London.
(d) National Gallery.

Short Answer Questions

1. That night Ena arrived with what for Ms. Hanff's cold?

2. Ena begged Ms. Hanff not to return home too early and to consider doing what?

3. On Saturday, June 25, Ms. Hanff drove where with Mr. Buckley?

4. What did Ms. Hanff learn about the ceremony of the guards?

5. What did Ms. Hanff do when she found out the publishers were not giving out her address to her fans?

Short Essay Questions

1. What took place at the dinner at Nora's house?

2. What do Ms. Hanff's friends do for her before she leaves?

3. What did Ms. Hanff do with Joyce Grenfell and her husband?

4. Why is Eton important?

5. What story was told at lunch with Nora?

6. What happened at Broadcasting House?

7. What did Ms. Hanff do before going to bed on her first night in England?

8. Why did Ms. Grenfell have trouble taking Ms. Hanff home?

9. What did the Colonel and Ms. Hanff do on the way to Stratford-on-Avon?

10. How did Mr. Buckley embarrass Ms. Hanff?

(see the answer keys)

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