The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Before going to bed, what did Ms. Hanff read through?
(a) A note Carmen had sent outlining the interviews she was to do over the next few days.
(b) Her itinerary.
(c) The letters from her pen pal.
(d) The book she had written.

2. Ms. Hanff went out with a couple of friends from _________ who happened to be visiting London.
(a) New York.
(b) Texas.
(c) Indiana.
(d) California.

3. Ms. Hanff discovers how different London is from what city?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Miami.
(c) Los Angeles.
(d) New York.

4. On Monday, June 28, Ms. Hanff attempted to get her silk dress pressed, but discovered what?
(a) The dress could not be pressed.
(b) The dress was not where she thought it was.
(c) The dress no longer fit.
(d) The hotel was not set up for that sort of services.

5. Ms. Hanff went to Deusch's to get some of her royalties to pay for what?
(a) Her travel expenses.
(b) Her meals.
(c) The hotel bill.
(d) Her souvenirs.

6. The Colonel took her where?
(a) The little village.
(b) The museum.
(c) The monument.
(d) The little inn.

7. That night, Ms. Hanff went to dinner with whom?
(a) Leo Marks and his wife, Ena.
(b) Mr. Buckley.
(c) The Colonel.
(d) Nora and Sheila Doel.

8. That night Ms. Hanff went to a dinner party and returned to the hotel feeling like what?
(a) A duchess.
(b) A queen.
(c) A visitor.
(d) A native Londoner.

9. At a going away party, several friends had given her a gift certificate to __________.
(a) Jarrods.
(b) Macys.
(c) Harrods.
(d) Burtons.

10. Who are Nora and Sheila Doel?
(a) The friends of her pen pal at Marks and Co.
(b) The sisters of her pen pal at Marks and Co.
(c) The wife and daughter of her pen pal at Marks & Co.
(d) The daughters of her pen pal at Marks and Co.

11. Ms. Hanff thinks how a park reflects the people of the city it is in, and how much she would miss ________________ if she ever left New York.
(a) Central Park.
(b) Madison Square Park.
(c) Prospect Park.
(d) Washington Square Park.

12. Ms. Hanff went to her publishers' office from where she was taken to _____________.
(a) 84, Charing Cross Road.
(b) A play.
(c) Her book signing.
(d) Her hotel.

13. Who was Ms. Hanff's fan at the airport?
(a) Sheila Doel.
(b) The Colonel.
(c) Frank Doel.
(d) Pat Buckley.

14. Ms. Hanff was also planning to use what to pay for her stay?
(a) Her most recent paycheck.
(b) The money she earned from a previous book.
(c) Her advance on the book.
(d) Gifts from her family.

15. What did they do at this location?
(a) They ate icecream.
(b) They stopped for drinks.
(c) They got dessert.
(d) They had lunch.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ms. Hanff was horrified when her friends insisted on having lunch at Claridge's without doing what?

2. From there, Ms. Hanff and Mr. Buckley went to _________ where Mr. Buckley had once been a student and saw an historic wall where many of the past students had their names carved upon graduation, including Shelley.

3. What did Ms. Hanff do to reassure herself they would be there?

4. First they visited the home of two elderly sisters whose house, Ms. Hanff learned, had once been haunted by a ghost who would grow upset when?

5. Where was Ms. Hanff taken after she left the airport?

(see the answer keys)

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