The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Helene Hanff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Sunday, June 27; Monday, June 28; Tuesday, June 29; Wednesday, June 30; and Thursday, July 1.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what was Ms. Hanff afraid?
(a) Being the only one on the tour.
(b) Getting lost.
(c) Hostile fans.
(d) No one would show up to her book signing.

2. Ena begged Ms. Hanff not to return home too early and to consider doing what?
(a) Staying in their country house for the summer.
(b) Staying at the hotel for a few more weeks.
(c) Staying at their home with them for the summer.
(d) Renting a home for the summer.

3. Ms. Hanff was ______________ the other customers.
(a) Interested in.
(b) Surprised by.
(c) Worried about.
(d) Annoyed by.

4. When she returned to the hotel, Ms. Hanff found a note waiting for her from Joyce Grenfell. Who is Joyce?
(a) A neighbor from New York.
(b) A famous actress she had long admired.
(c) A fellow writer.
(d) A friend of her mother's.

5. Who are Nora and Sheila Doel?
(a) The sisters of her pen pal at Marks and Co.
(b) The friends of her pen pal at Marks and Co.
(c) The daughters of her pen pal at Marks and Co.
(d) The wife and daughter of her pen pal at Marks & Co.

Short Answer Questions

1. First they visited the home of two elderly sisters whose house, Ms. Hanff learned, had once been haunted by a ghost who would grow upset when?

2. What had her brother given her?

3. Nora drove Ms. Hanff where for dinner?

4. Ms. Hunff commented on the ceremony of the guards doing what?

5. Later that afternoon, Ms. Hanff spent the afternoon in ________ where she recalled an afternoon in New York where she and two friends had a picnic on Dog Hill that was interrupted by a group of hungry dogs.

(see the answer key)

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