The Dry: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Jane Harper
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 89 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dry: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Jane Harper
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 89 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the townspeople do to the Falks?
(a) Harassed them.
(b) Beat them.
(c) Sued them.
(d) Fired them.

2. What state of being does Whitlam say Karen was in?
(a) Stressed.
(b) Sad.
(c) Irritated.
(d) Withdrawn.

3. How does Gerry say Luke was dressed?
(a) For climbing.
(b) For a date.
(c) In a gown.
(d) In a costume.

4. What was Karen's job?
(a) Bookkeeper.
(b) Domestic engineer.
(c) Surgeon.
(d) Beekeeper.

5. In Chapter 21, what is circulated around town?
(a) Coupons for donuts.
(b) Flyers about Ellie.
(c) Donation baskets.
(d) Pictures of Falk's car.

6. Who was taken into questioning before Falk when he was young?
(a) His grandpa.
(b) His mother.
(c) His father.
(d) His grandma.

7. How does Gerry know Luke lied about shooting rabbits?
(a) It was too dark.
(b) It was raining.
(c) Luke did not see well.
(d) He did not have a gun.

8. What do Barb and Gerry think they will have to do with the farm?
(a) Grow it.
(b) Sell it.
(c) Burn it.
(d) Buy it.

9. What is Raco's wife's name?
(a) Rhonda.
(b) Rachel.
(c) Rita.
(d) Rae.

10. What does Gretchen say the school was refused?
(a) Food.
(b) A new pool.
(c) A grant.
(d) A helipad.

11. What does Falk notice about the school?
(a) Newly remodeled.
(b) Huge.
(c) Run down.
(d) Immaculate.

12. When is the last time Falk saw Karen?
(a) Last week in Melbourne.
(b) On vacation the year before.
(c) At her birthday party.
(d) He has never met her.

13. Who is the beneficiary of the Hadler's life insurance policy?
(a) Carl.
(b) Charlie.
(c) Charlotte.
(d) Cary.

14. When Ellie died, which direction did Gerry see Luke coming from?
(a) South.
(b) West.
(c) East.
(d) North.

15. What is ailing Mrs. Sullivan?
(a) Work.
(b) Cold.
(c) Memory.
(d) Flu.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is written on the paper from the book?

2. Who told Falk to leave the playground?

3. In Chapter 19, where does Gretchen invite Falk?

4. Who do Falk and Raco immediately question about Karen's note?

5. Who drove the Falks out of town?

(see the answer keys)

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