The Drowned World Test | Final Test - Easy

J.G. Ballard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Drowned World Test | Final Test - Easy

J.G. Ballard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who endeavors to remove the explosives from the dam?
(a) Riggs.
(b) Beatrice.
(c) Macready.
(d) Kerans.

2. What does Kerans notice about Strangman's appearance?
(a) He is oddly pale.
(b) He is ragged and dirty.
(c) He is sickly.
(d) He is in a golden outfit.

3. Where does Kerans feel a strong inner urge to venture?
(a) Westward.
(b) Southward.
(c) Northward.
(d) Eastward.

4. How do Beatrice and Bodkin react to Kerans' suggestion in the end of Chapter 10?
(a) They express doubt and concern.
(b) They defer the decision to Kerans.
(c) They eagerly agree to move south across the silt flats.
(d) They decide to stay in the city square.

5. How does Kerans depict the streets below in Chapter 13?
(a) A vibrant and thriving world.
(b) A place with untapped potential.
(c) A decaying and lifeless realm.
(d) An undiscovered paradise.

6. What happened as Kerans turned to leave the hold in Chapter 8?
(a) Strangman beckoned him back.
(b) Strangman mocked him and laughed.
(c) Strangman became confused.
(d) Strangman pushed him out.

7. What action does Kerans undertake as Beatrice and Riggs ascend the ladder?
(a) Calls for assistance.
(b) Sneaks away.
(c) Plants explosives.
(d) Joins the celebration.

8. In Chapter 13, at what does Riggs get under control?
(a) Strangman and his men.
(b) The arguing.
(c) The rising sea levels.
(d) The alligators.

9. What is Beatrice's opinion of Strangman's ship?
(a) She wants one like it.
(b) She wants to explore it.
(c) She finds it fascinating.
(d) She wants to stay away from it.

10. What does the individual in the temple reveal to Kerans?
(a) A secret passage.
(b) A map of the jungle.
(c) A message from Strangman.
(d) A pocket compass.

11. What does Kerans assume about the emaciated man in Chapter 15?
(a) He is blind.
(b) He is dead.
(c) He is injured.
(d) He is lost.

12. Why is Kerans weak and lacking nutrients in Chapter 12?
(a) He has been confined to the throne under the scorching midday heat.
(b) he continuous ritual has drained his energy.
(c) Kerans has been involved in physical exertion.
(d) Strangman has deprived him of food and water.

13. How does Kerans handle the attack by someone in the depot ship in Chapter 12?
(a) He escapes using a hidden exit.
(b) He pleads for mercy from Strangman's crew.
(c) He shoots Big Caesar with the Colt .45.
(d) He surrenders to spare Beatrice's life.

14. What does Riggs intend to do with Strangman in Chapter 13?
(a) Offer him a reward.
(b) Release him without any consequences.
(c) Take him into custody.
(d) Arrest him.

15. What item does Kerans retrieve from the intact safe in Chapter 12?
(a) Jewels and riches.
(b) A loaded Colt .45 firearm.
(c) Supplies of food.
(d) A map of the silt flats.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Kerans determine his direction as he travels?

2. In Chapter 8, who are the three main characters speaking with?

3. When do Riggs' helicopters cease patrolling the islands?

4. IN Chapter 9, what captures Strangman's interest in the lagoon?

5. How long does Kerans continue his journey despite the pain in his leg and lack of sleep?

(see the answer keys)

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