The Drowned World Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

J.G. Ballard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Drowned World Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

J.G. Ballard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3: Towards a New Psychology - Chapter 5: Descent into Deep Time .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the sick-bay, who is Lieutenant Hardman complaining to?
(a) Kerans.
(b) Riggs.
(c) Macready.
(d) Bodkin.

2. What type of insects does Kerans see buzzing past his balcony?
(a) Flies.
(b) Triassic-sized insects.
(c) Bees.
(d) Swarms of bugs.

3. What problem does Riggs ask Kerans to help him with?
(a) Fixing the landing craft.
(b) Convincing Beatrice to leave.
(c) Moving the testing station.
(d) Packing up and leaving.

4. Who does Kerans inform about the voices of the iguanas?
(a) Bodkin.
(b) Macready.
(c) Riggs.
(d) Beatrice.

5. What does Kerans experience at the beginning of Chapter 5?
(a) A headache.
(b) A vivid nightmare.
(c) A sense of déjà vu.
(d) A feeling of exhaustion.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tells Kerans about the plans for departure?

2. What does Kerans feel drawn to do in his dream?

3. What does Bodkin warn Kerans about regarding the iguanas?

4. What has turned Kerans' beard white?

5. After Riggs leaves, what does Beatrice offer Kerans?

(see the answer key)

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