The Drowned and the Saved Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Drowned and the Saved Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what year was Amery arrested by the Gestapo?
(a) 1940.
(b) 1944.
(c) 1943.
(d) 1939.

2. Why were the tattoos gratuitous?
(a) The tattoos could not be seen under clothing.
(b) The uniforms bore prisoners' numbers.
(c) The prisoners had memorized their numbers.
(d) The prisoners had no names.

3. What did Levi do when he was tempted to pray?
(a) He became a believer.
(b) He cried.
(c) He prayed.
(d) He refused to blaspheme.

4. What daily ritual was emblematic of life in the lager?
(a) Bathing.
(b) Sweeping.
(c) Roll call.
(d) Eye exams.

5. What does H.L. complain about in her letter?
(a) Her teacher considers Hitler's actions just.
(b) Germans are punished unfairly.
(c) She is made to feel shameful.
(d) Her school ignores recent history.

6. Where was Hans Mayer born?
(a) Lodz.
(b) Warsaw.
(c) Vienna.
(d) Berlin.

7. Which characterizes the relationship between Amery and Levi after Liberation?
(a) They travel to Italy together.
(b) They never see each other.
(c) They both flee to Belgium.
(d) They visit each other often.

8. What does Amery write about?
(a) His friendship with Primo Levi in Auschwitz.
(b) Why the Nazi officials deserve to die.
(c) His work in the resistance movement.
(d) The pros and cons of being an intellectual in Auschwitz.

9. What does Hety claim about Albert Speer after her interview with him?
(a) He is proud of his actions.
(b) He is upset by talking.
(c) He is seeking revenge.
(d) He is haunted by Auschwitz.

10. What did train convoys from Italy carry?
(a) Wealthy passengers with lots of luggage.
(b) Supplies in addition to passengers.
(c) More passengers than from Eastern Europe.
(d) Fewer passengers than from Eastern Europe.

11. When was Levi tempted to pray?
(a) Arriving at Auschwitz.
(b) Standing before the Commission.
(c) At liberation.
(d) Every morning upon waking.

12. What happened to corpses?
(a) They were given a proper burial.
(b) They were allowed to decompose.
(c) They were turned into industrial products.
(d) They were returned to family members.

13. What does Levi think is the stereotype of the SS?
(a) Power hungry.
(b) Average humans.
(c) Monsters.
(d) Good people.

14. With whom did Mala Zimetbaum try to escape?
(a) Amery.
(b) Levi.
(c) Edek.
(d) An Italian Jew.

15. What does Levi call the daily rituals of the lager?
(a) "A struggle for cleanliness."
(b) "A subversion of dignity."
(c) "A rhythm of suffering."
(d) "An offense to modesty."

Short Answer Questions

1. Most of the letters that Levi received were about what topic?

2. What happened when there was an anomaly in a roll call?

3. According to Levi, why were the sonderkommandos at Birkenau able to stage a rebellion?

4. About what did prisoners speculate?

5. What is Germany now considered?

(see the answer keys)

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