The Drowned and the Saved Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Drowned and the Saved Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Levi consider most survivors to be of the "privileged" class?
(a) They were generally the wealthiest prisoners.
(b) They were lucky enough to live through a horrible situation.
(c) They gained recognition after the lagers were liberated.
(d) They generally received more food than the people who died.

2. Which of the following is NOT something that survivors have a particularly hard time listening to people complain about?
(a) Cold.
(b) Hunger.
(c) Fatigue.
(d) Heat.

3. What did Levi choose to do with the object he finds?
(a) Share with Alberto.
(b) Share with the whole squad.
(c) Keep it for himself.
(d) Hide it again.

4. What function did ghettos serve?
(a) They gave Jews a safe place to live.
(b) They kept offensive books away from people.
(c) They cut off communication between people.
(d) They assisted people in learning new languages.

5. Why did Levi know some German?
(a) He learned it as a student.
(b) German is similar to Italian.
(c) His German grandfather spoke it to him.
(d) He learned it through his work as a chemist.

6. What does survival depend upon?
(a) Putting oneself first.
(b) Feeling heroic.
(c) Collaborating with the SS.
(d) Helping others.

7. According to Levi, what creates a "convenient reality?"
(a) Focusing on only the positive memories.
(b) Telling outright lies about one's behavior.
(c) Substituting less painful memories for horrific acts.
(d) Merging one's story with the stories of other survivors.

8. Who was Chaim Rumkowski?
(a) A German officer.
(b) A sonderkommando.
(c) President of the Warsaw Ghetto.
(d) President of the Lodz Ghetto.

9. According to Levi, which statement best describes the Lagers?
(a) The lagers were a unique experience central to World War II.
(b) The lagers were an inventive way for Germany to produce war time supplies.
(c) The lagers were the most horrible atrocity from any war ever.
(d) The lagers were something that has occured in many wars.

10. How did Germans often coerce prisoners into being collaborators?
(a) By ordering them at gunpoint.
(b) By appealing to their love of power.
(c) By giving them new shoes.
(d) By giving them more soup.

11. What does Levi think of the theory of incommunicability?
(a) That it is false.
(b) That it offers hope for survivors.
(c) That it is partially true.
(d) That it is true.

12. What happens to Alberto?
(a) He was sent to a different camp.
(b) He disappeared.
(c) He was liberated.
(d) He escaped.

13. Which best describes historians forty years after liberation?
(a) They distrust survivors' memories of events.
(b) They only want to learn about first-arrival impressions.
(c) They have finished studying World War II.
(d) They still have much to learn about camp life.

14. Who orated in the style of Hitler?
(a) Eichmann.
(b) Primo Levi.
(c) Alberto.
(d) Chaim Rumkowski.

15. How did Nazi commanders protect the consciousness of people they assign to do dirty work?
(a) They provided psychological counseling.
(b) They rewarded them with prizes.
(c) They plied them with alcohol.
(d) They promised that they will go to heaven.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was Primo Levi brought to Auschwitz?

2. What does the theory of incommunicability from the 1970s state?

3. The Third Reich did all of the following to stay in power except:

4. When did Levi's friend Alberto stop being critical of those who consoled themselves with illusions?

5. Why did Germans need collaborators?

(see the answer keys)

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