The Dreams of Ada Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Bob Mayer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dreams of Ada Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Bob Mayer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 14-15, The Tapes—Tommy and The Tapes—Karl.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who decides to defend Tommy Ward in the Denice Haraway murder trial?
(a) Bill Peterson.
(b) George Butner.
(c) Don Wyatt.
(d) Richard Kerner.

2. Who is Barney Ward?
(a) An Ada police officer.
(b) Tommy Ward's uncle.
(c) Tommy Ward's brother.
(d) A lawyer.

3. When speaking with Richard Kerner, who does Ms. Lavielle say the two composite sketches of the Haraway suspects look like?
(a) Dexter Davis and Willie Barnett.
(b) Sparcino and Lurke.
(c) Randy Rogers and Sparcino.
(d) Kendall Holland and Willie Barnett.

4. Who is the 67th and final witness for the State?
(a) Karl Fontenot.
(b) Odell Titsworth.
(c) Mike Baskin.
(d) Frederick Patrizi.

5. What is the title of the sermon that is to be delivered at the Church of Christ, directly across the street from Maxine and C.L's house?
(a) Are You Listening.
(b) And Justice For All.
(c) Wise Guys.
(d) All This and Heaven Plus.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Don Wyatt hire in Chapter 9 to further investigate the Ward trial?

2. Which two names does Richard Kerner ask the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety to check for their complete driving records?

3. What is the 67th witness' profession?

4. When is the Karl Fontenot and Tommy Ward trial held?

5. Tommy Ward's confession tape is admitted into evidence as state exhibit number __________.

(see the answer key)

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