The Story of the Stone, or The Dream of the Red Chamber; Volume 1: The Golden Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Cao Xueqin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Story of the Stone, or The Dream of the Red Chamber; Volume 1: The Golden Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Cao Xueqin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Story of the Stone, or The Dream of the Red Chamber; Volume 1: The Golden Days Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the party Grandmother Jia and the family held?
(a) At the Cherry Blossom Courtyard.
(b) At the Regal Theatre.
(c) At the Regal Greenhouse.
(d) At the Ning Mansion.

2. What do the more ill-bred students do in light of the headmaster's absence?
(a) Take the chance to skip school.
(b) Cheat on their exams with Dai-yu.
(c) Take the chance to pick on Qin Zhong, Bao-yu, Darling, and Precious.
(d) Take the chance to skip school and invite Qin Zhong, Bao-yu, Darling, and Precious.

3. What does the doctor believe about his patient's prognosis at the end of Chapter 10?
(a) If she does not recover by the lunar eclipse time, she will die.
(b) If she lives past the spring equinox, she will have a full recovery.
(c) She must wait for the lunar eclipse to see any improvement of symptoms.
(d) If she lives to see the solar eclipse, she will recover.

4. When Bao-yu visits the Department of the Ill-Fated Fair, what is he allowed to look at?
(a) A meeting of all the beautiful women of Jinling.
(b) Three registers of the youngest women in Jinling.
(c) The naked body of the most beautiful woman in Jinling.
(d) Three registers of the most beautiful girls in Jinling.

5. What is the reason given against Yu-cun arresting Xue?
(a) Xue will put a curse on him.
(b) Xue is cursed.
(c) Yu-cun does not understand the circumstances.
(d) Xue is from a rich family.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who settles the boy in Qin Shi's room?

2. Who sends Yu-cun to the capitol with his daughter Dai-yu?

3. Who interrupts Bao-yu's visit with Bao-chai in Chapter 8?

4. How does the stone feel after being left by the goddess?

5. Who does Jia Rui nearly sleep with accidentally?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does superstition appear in the events surrounding Jia Rui?

2. How does Bao-yu use family ties to his advantage during the events at the school?

3. How is the divide between rich and poor developed in Chapter 2?

4. Hypothesize over the influence Bao-yu's father has on him despite his consistently disapproving attitude towards Bao-yu.

5. Why does Vanitas change his name to Brother Amor?

6. What does the story of Ying-lian and Feng Yuan suggest about the role of fate and karma in the world of the novel?

7. Although the Jia family throws a spectacular birthday party for Jia Jing even though he refuses to leave the monastery to attend, much of the conversation centers on Qin-shi's puzzling illness. Hypothesize as to why this is.

8. Why would Dai-yu find it strange that Xi-feng appears to be in charge of household affairs?

9. How does the connection between Bao-yu and Bao-chai deepen in Chapter 7?

10. In what ways is more of Xi-feng's character revealed in her thoughts about Qin-shi and her dealings with Jia Rui?

(see the answer keys)

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