The Dream House Test | Final Test - Medium

Craig Higginson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dream House Test | Final Test - Medium

Craig Higginson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What prize would Looksmart earn on Speech Day when he was in school?
(a) Hamar.
(b) Gold
(c) Silver.
(d) Zulu.

2. What trees will be planted on the hills of the farm?
(a) Pines.
(b) Chestnut.
(c) Palms.
(d) Yellowwoods.

3. What did Richard remind Patricia of when she first saw him?
(a) Rat.
(b) Cat.
(c) Fox.
(d) Dog.

4. How long has Looksmart's mother been living with him in his garden cottage?
(a) 15 years.
(b) 10 years.
(c) 17 years.
(d) 12 years.

5. Who does Looksmart say was responsible for Grace's death?
(a) Richard.
(b) Patricia.
(c) Bheki.
(d) A dairy worker.

Short Answer Questions

1. What name was Beauty sometimes called by when Looksmart was a boy?

2. What color was Looksmart's school tie?

3. When Grace was attacked by a dog, who got the dog off from her?

4. What did Looksmart wrap Grace in before he loaded her into the car to take her to the hospital?

5. Where does Beauty take Richard when he returns to the house in "Four"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Beauty prepare for the last meal on the farm?

2. What offer does Looksmart make Bheki when they speak?

3. What does Beauty wonder if Looksmart has done to Richard in Part 4, and how does she feel about that?

4. Why does Patricia recognize the rock that Richard is carrying?

5. What does Looksmart remember about the day Grace died?

6. Who does Looksmart say was to blame for Grace's death?

7. What problems is Richard having as he tries to find the house?

8. How is Looksmart's mother and what is she doing in "Four"?

9. How does Beauty get Patricia ready for bed?

10. How does Beauty disrespect Looksmart with the way she serves tea and biscuits?

(see the answer keys)

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