The Dragon Reborn Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Dragon Reborn Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is above Rand's head as he reaches for the object?
(a) A net.
(b) A dark void.
(c) A grey man.
(d) A shining light.

2. Who identifies the man with a dagger through his heart?
(a) Moiraine.
(b) Leanne.
(c) Verin.
(d) Sheriam.

3. What do the Seanchan do with women who can channel?
(a) Send them to a special island where they live in luxury but cannot leave.
(b) Make them slave warriors.
(c) Kill them.
(d) Honor them.

4. Why can Rand sometimes project his dreams upon others?
(a) Because he is ta'veren.
(b) He cannot project his dreams on other.s
(c) Because he is the leader of those fighting the dark one.
(d) Because he has no control over his thoughts.

5. Who has arrived in Arad Doman?
(a) 5000 Whitecloaks.
(b) A host of darkfriends.
(c) Three of the Forsaken.
(d) 5000 Seanchan.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what are Egwene and Elayne raised?

2. What is a Myrddraal?

3. What language does Mat speak as he is being healed?

4. Who does Moiraine take to track Rand?

5. Who decides to marry on the day before Moriainne arrives in this town of question #34?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where are Mat, Nynaeve, Egwene, Hurin and Verin Sedai at the opening of this chapter and what are they doing?

2. Describe Perrin's dream of the man in black who offers him wine.

3. Who visits Mat and what does she tell him?

4. What does Min tell Perrin about symbols she sees around him?

5. What is Moiraine's explanation about the dreams the group all had in common about Callandor during the night?

6. About what do Rand and Moiraine argue, and what does Rand do?

7. Who are the Aiel and the Tuatha'an?

8. What happens as Nynaeve and Egwene are returning to Egwene's quarters in the White Tower?

9. Describe Egwene's second vision.

10. Who is Pedron Niall and what is in the report Pedron Niall receives?

(see the answer keys)

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