The Dragon Reborn Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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The Dragon Reborn Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 54-56.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where are Mat and Thom sleeping when a woman enters?
(a) On board a ship.
(b) The common room of an inn.
(c) A barn.
(d) A clearing in the woods.

2. Why do Thom and Mat going to see a Wisdom?
(a) Mat has a bad cough.
(b) Mat has a bad burn.
(c) Mat thinks that is where Nynaeve would go.
(d) To get medicine for Thom, who has a cough.

3. With whom is Mat dicing in Egwene's dream?
(a) Egwene.
(b) The Dark One.
(c) Rand.
(d) The Daughter of the Nine Moons.

4. How can Mat possibly get out of Tar Valon?
(a) By letting Egwene disguise him.
(b) By hiding in a wagon leaving the city.
(c) By traveling under the city.
(d) With one of Siuan's letters.

5. Who is Lord Gaebril?
(a) The Captain of the Guard in Tear.
(b) Queen Morgase's rival.
(c) The Captain of the Guard in Ebou Dou.
(d) A new adviser to Queen Morgase.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Samon's other name?

2. What do the Aes Sedai discuss as Egwene is on a table surround by them?

3. Who decides to marry on the day before Moriainne arrives in this town of question #34?

4. Where does Egwene find a circle of Black Ajah?

5. How does Nynaeve use balefire?

(see the answer key)

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