The Dragon Reborn Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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The Dragon Reborn Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 37-39.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To where does Egwene "travel"?
(a) The Heart of Stone.
(b) Caemlyn.
(c) Ebou Dou.
(d) Two Rivers.

2. How is the ter'angreal arranged that Egwene must walk through?
(a) An egg-shaped web.
(b) Three stone arches.
(c) A single rectangular door.
(d) A round portal.

3. What does Perrin do that forces the group to flee Remen immediately?
(a) Protests the treatment of the caged Aiel.
(b) Kills some Whitecloaks.
(c) Kills a drunk who attacks him.
(d) Gets into a fight with some of the town bullies.

4. How does Nynaeve use balefire?
(a) To kill their captors.
(b) She does not use balefire as it is forbidden to do so.
(c) To kill the Myrddraal.
(d) To summon Rand.

5. Who identifies the man with a dagger through his heart?
(a) Sheriam.
(b) Leanne.
(c) Moiraine.
(d) Verin.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Perrin start to reach out and touch but is stopped in his dream?

2. What does the stone ring Egwene receives do?

3. Why are Nynaeve and Elayne watching over Egwene as she sleeps?

4. Who did Rand battle in the sky over Falme that inspired many?

5. What does Mat bet the two swordsmen?

(see the answer key)

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