The Dragon Reborn Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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The Dragon Reborn Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 48-50.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one thing Mat remembers since taking the dagger?
(a) Saving Moiraine from an attack by Lanfear.
(b) Blowing the Horn of Valere.
(c) Fighting over the skies of Falme.
(d) He has no memories of his time since obtaining the dagger.

2. Where do Mat and Thom arrive at the opening to Chapter 45?
(a) Caemlyn.
(b) Remen.
(c) Two Rivers.
(d) Tear.

3. Why is Nynaeve enraged after the fighting is over?
(a) Dailin is one of the dead.
(b) The men that captured them have escaped.
(c) Rhuarc says they must come with him.
(d) Aviendha is among the dead.

4. What does Perrin start to reach out and touch but is stopped in his dream?
(a) A woman clothed in whte.
(b) Callandor.
(c) The Pit of the Abyss.
(d) The Dark Lord's prison.

5. To where does Egwene "travel"?
(a) Ebou Dou.
(b) The Heart of Stone.
(c) Caemlyn.
(d) Two Rivers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who decides to marry on the day before Moriainne arrives in this town of question #34?

2. Who is Lord Gaebril?

3. What does Moiraine suggest to Faile?

4. What does Rand reach for according to Egewene?

5. Who does Nynaeve heal?

(see the answer key)

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