The Double Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Double Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Golyadkin tell His Excellency he wants from him?
(a) Protection from his enemies
(b) Golyadkin Junior’s arrest.
(c) A raise and promotion.
(d) Justice.

2. Who does Golyadkin Junior say helped him get a position?
(a) Andrey Filippovich.
(b) Golyadkin’s father.
(c) An unnamed person.
(d) Golyadkin.

3. What is the outcome of Golyadkin’s appeal to Andrey Filippovich?
(a) Andrey Filippovich sends him away.
(b) Golyadkin stutters and cannot say anything.
(c) Golyadkin Junior interrupts him and turns Andrey Filippovich against him.
(d) They are interrupted, and nothing happens.

4. What is Golyadkin accused of?
(a) Slander
(b) Gambling.
(c) Immoral behavior.
(d) Murder.

5. What does Golyadkin Junior tell Golyadkin when he catches up with him?
(a) That he will delight in Golyadkin’s ruin.
(b) That he does not have time to talk.
(c) That he is sorry for the trouble he has cause.
(d) That he knows his fate before Golyadkin knows it himself.

Short Answer Questions

1. What time is it when Golyadkin finally gets out of bed?

2. How is Golyadkin described at the beginning of Chapter 11?

3. What sensation floods through Golyadkin after a night of carousing with Golyadkin Junior?

4. Where does Petrushka tell Golyadkin he has been?

5. Which of his body parts does Golyadkin lament?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe what happens when Golyadkin reaches Andrey Filippovich’s house.

2. What is Golyadkin Junior like when Golyadkin finds him at the office?

3. Describe the interview Golyadkin and Golyadkin Junior have in the coffee shop.

4. How does Golyadkin plan to resolve the situation with Golyadkin Junior?

5. Describe Golyadkin’s state as he chases Golyadkin after they leave the office together, and how does this state relate to Golyadkin’s previous states?

6. Describe the intimacy that develops between Golyadkin and Golyadkin Junior.

7. What response does Golyadkin get to his letter?

8. What are Golyadkin’s feelings as he concludes the night with Golyadkin Junior?

9. What is the importance of the letter Golyadkin receives from Klara Olsufyevna?

10. How have things changed when Golyadkin wakes up in the morning after his drunken night with Golyadkin Junior.

(see the answer keys)

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