The Double Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Double Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Golyadkin say he is doing by bring Golyadkin Junior home?
(a) Getting clear of his troubles.
(b) Complicating everything.
(c) Building an alliance.
(d) Putting his head in a noose.

2. What sensation floods through Golyadkin after a night of carousing with Golyadkin Junior?
(a) Nostalgia.
(b) Remorse.
(c) Gratitude.
(d) Optimism.

3. Where does Golyadkin rush off to?
(a) Olsufy Ivanovich’s house.
(b) Andrey Filippovich’s house.
(c) State Counsellor Berendyev’s house.
(d) Golyadkin Junior’s lodging house.

4. Who does Golyadkin think he can appeal to?
(a) Andrey Filippovich.
(b) Golyadkin Junior himself.
(c) Olsufy Ivanovich.
(d) No one.

5. What does Petrushka tell Golyadkin when he gets home at the beginning of Chapter 12?
(a) That he wants a raise.
(b) That Golyadkin has been evicted.
(c) That he is afraid that Golyadkin has been stealing from him.
(d) That he is leaving

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of his body parts does Golyadkin lament?

2. What does Golyadkin say his opinion of Petrushka is?

3. What does Anton Antonovich have a medal for?

4. What does Golyadkin say would have happened if it weren’t for “this, all this”?

5. What does Klara Olsufyevna’s letter to Golyadkin Junior claim?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the interview Golyadkin and Golyadkin Junior have in the coffee shop.

2. How does Golyadkin plan to resolve the situation with Golyadkin Junior?

3. Describe the letter Golyadkin writes to Golyadkin Junior before going to the office.

4. What is Golyadkin Junior’s demeanor like when he arrives at Golyadkin’s flat?

5. Describe what happens when Golyadkin reaches Andrey Filippovich’s house.

6. Describe the letter Golyadkin sends to Golyadkin Junior.

7. What response does Golyadkin get to his letter?

8. What profound experience does Golyadkin have in his sleep?

9. What is the state of affairs when Golyadkin arrives home and talks with Petrushka?

10. Describe Golyadkin Junior’s entrance into the office.

(see the answer keys)

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