The Double Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Double Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Golyadkin act toward his double at his house?
(a) He is indifferent toward him.
(b) He is off-handed.
(c) He is hostile.
(d) He is magnanimous.

2. Who does Golyadkin think he can appeal to?
(a) No one.
(b) Andrey Filippovich.
(c) Golyadkin Junior himself.
(d) Olsufy Ivanovich.

3. What is Golyadkin Junior doing when Golyadkin arrives at the office?
(a) He is going on a special mission.
(b) He is copying out a contract.
(c) He is working at Golyadkin’s desk.
(d) He is talking with clerks.

4. Whose work does Golyadkin say created all his troubles?
(a) He himself.
(b) Klara Olsufyevna.
(c) The German woman.
(d) Golyadkin Junior.

5. What gives Golyadkin a “voluptuous pleasure”?
(a) Rehearsing how he had been wronged.
(b) Planning his revenge.
(c) Rubbing salt in his wounds.
(d) Condemning Golyadkin Junior.

6. On what grounds does Golyadkin condemn lksf?
(a) For being two-faced.
(b) For being ugly.
(c) For being spoiled.
(d) For being immoral.

7. Where does Golyadkin Junior go with Golyadkin’s papers?
(a) To the courthouse.
(b) Straight to the Director’s office.
(c) Home.
(d) To the copyists’.

8. What does Petrushka think Golyadkin is planning?
(a) Resigning his position.
(b) A robbery.
(c) Suicide.
(d) An elopement.

9. What does Petrushka tell Golyadkin in the morning after Golyadkin had spent the night with Golyadkin Junior?
(a) That the master is not at home.
(b) That Petrushka will be following his new master now.
(c) That he will have to fix breakfast for himself.
(d) That Andrey Filippovich has been looking for him.

10. What does Golyadkin say his opinion of Petrushka is?
(a) He says that he loathes him for his loose morals.
(b) He says that he is deeply disapointed by his disloyalty.
(c) He says that he respects him even though he is a flunkey.
(d) He says that he values him highly and asks him to stay.

11. What is the manner in which Golyadkin says that Golyadkin Junior has sucked up to people?
(a) Wily.
(b) Officious.
(c) Disingenuous.
(d) Unctuous.

12. How is Golyadkin Junior described at dinner?
(a) As timid.
(b) As comfortable.
(c) As jovial.
(d) As ravenous.

13. What tone does Golyadkin take with Golyadkin Junior?
(a) A combination of innuendo and guilt
(b) A combination of accusation and conciliation.
(c) A combination of fury and cowardice.
(d) A combination of self-abasement and politeness.

14. What does Golyadkin say about the letter he wrote to Golyadkin Junior?
(a) He reasserts his challenge.
(b) He says that he was not sane when he wrote it.
(c) He qualifies it.
(d) He disavows it.

15. What do the cabbies tell Golyadkin when he asks them to take him to the office in his dream-state?
(a) They have orders not to take him to the office.
(b) They cannot take a man who is two men.
(c) He has to pay for the trip he just took.
(d) They have already taken him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Golyadkin accused of?

2. What theory does Golyadkin advance to Anton Antonovich?

3. What sensation floods through Golyadkin after a night of carousing with Golyadkin Junior?

4. What tone does Golyadkin take in his letter to Golyadkin Junior?

5. What does Golyadkin say is the status of his situation?

(see the answer keys)

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