The Door in the Wall Test | Final Test - Hard

Marguerite De Angeli
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Door in the Wall Test | Final Test - Hard

Marguerite De Angeli
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who had Robin made friends with at the gate?

2. What substance could hide soldiers attacking the castle?

3. How does John signal the person who allows them access to town in Section 9?

4. What does John continue to do in Section 6, even when Luke wakes him?

5. What does Robin have to do to get to the other side of the river in Section 9?

Short Essay Questions

1. Does Robin’s father mind his disability? What does he say about it? What news does his mother have that cheers Robin? What does Brother Luke mean when he says Robin has found the door in the wall?

2. Describe Robin’s relationship with Alan-at-gate. What type of person is Alan, and what does Robin learn about him quickly?

3. What happens before the end of the day in Section 8? What does that mean for the people of the town? Where are they?

4. Describe the fair Robin and his caretakers attend. What activities are there, and what does Robin see that amuses him?

5. How are Robin and John-go-in-the-Wynd greeted on their arrival back into the castle in Section 10? What is given to John, and how does Brother Luke reward him?

6. Describe Robin’s encounter with the Welsh soldiers. What happened, and how did he escape?

7. Describe Robin’s plan for his escape to find help for the castle. How will he leave, what will he do if caught, and who will he seek for aid?

8. Describe Robin’s swim across the river in Section 9. What drives him to keep going, and what challenges his ambitions?

9. Describe the meeting of Robin’s mother and father with Robin. What is said, what are their reactions?

10. Explain the news Adam the yeoman brings to Sir Peter in the hall. What is the situation?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Religion plays a powerful role in the novel for Brother Luke. Explain why his religion is so important. How does he convey his love and loyalty to God? How does he convey to Robin the need to pray, and to be thankful to God for blessings? Why is religion and the role of the monks important in the novel to others in London?

Essay Topic 2

Sounds play an important role in the novel, from the church bells Robin uses to gauge time to the sounds of the monk footfalls outside his door to the role of the harp John-go-in-the-Wynd by the end of the novel. Discuss, in depth, why you think the author used sound so much in the novel. What do the sounds mean to Robin? To John and Brother Luke? What does the author convey by using the sounds Robin hears to set scenes?

Essay Topic 3

Explain what happens to Robin’s parents at the beginning of the novel, and describe their reappearance later in the novel. Do you think his parents were right to leave him alone, with only the servants? Do you think this is common, during the time of the novel? How did Robin feel about his parents’ departure? How does he feel at the end of the novel, when they return?

(see the answer keys)

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