The Door in the Wall Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Marguerite De Angeli
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Door in the Wall Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Marguerite De Angeli
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Brother Luke plan to take Robin in Section 1?
(a) St. Luke’s.
(b) St. Peter’s.
(c) St. John’s.
(d) St. Mark’s.

2. What finally slowly comes to an end at the beginning of Section 4?
(a) The war.
(b) The drought.
(c) The famine.
(d) The plague.

3. What do Brother Luke and Brother Matthew devise to help Robin travel?
(a) A bed.
(b) A car.
(c) A wheelchair.
(d) A saddle.

4. What spills all over Ellen in Section 1?
(a) Porridge.
(b) Bread dough.
(c) Ale.
(d) Water.

5. Why was Brother Luke called Chaucer?
(a) His mother was a seamstress.
(b) His father was a knight.
(c) His father was a shoemaker.
(d) His uncle was a shopkeeper.

6. What does Robin ask Brother Luke to teach him?
(a) To cook
(b) To sing.
(c) To sew.
(d) To read.

7. What does Robin wonder about John’s harp?
(a) If his father would like it.
(b) If he can make one.
(c) If it sings by its self.
(d) If he can buy one.

8. What happens with the plague at the beginning of Section 3?
(a) The plague kills many.
(b) The plague disappears.
(c) The plague begins to dissipate.
(d) The plague worsens.

9. What does Robin’s father plan to tell his mother, according to the letter in Section 5?
(a) That he is with Sir Peter.
(b) That he is lonely.
(c) That he is dead.
(d) That he is with the monks.

10. What do Brother Luke, Brother Matthews, and Robin roast in the fire in Section 5?
(a) Pears.
(b) Pasty.
(c) Grapes.
(d) Apples.

11. Who or what does Robin initially blame for his accident in Section 3?
(a) Brother Matthew.
(b) Himself.
(c) Brother John.
(d) The tool.

12. Who arrives to finally help Robin in Section 1?
(a) Brother Carl.
(b) Brother Matthew.
(c) Brother Luke.
(d) John.

13. How far do Brother Luke, Brother Matthews, and Robin have to travel?
(a) Just across town.
(b) Across the river.
(c) Across the ocean.
(d) Over one hundred miles.

14. What is Brother Matthew’s response to who Robin blames in Section 3 for his own error?
(a) He warns that Robin must learn patience.
(b) He warns that Robin must learn honesty.
(c) He warns that Robin must learn humility.
(d) He warns that Robin must learn restraint.

15. What does Brother Luke explain about nicknames?
(a) They are often terms of endearment.
(b) They are always foolish.
(c) They are often outlandish.
(d) They are meant to be cruel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Brother Luke give Robin to eat when he first meets him?

2. In Section 1, what has to happen before word can be sent to Robin’s father?

3. Why don’t Brother Luke, Brother Matthews, and Robin sleep in the forest the first night of their journey?

4. How does Brother Luke use Robin’s letter to his father in Section 3 as his first lesson in writing?

5. What is Robin excited to do while making his new creation in Section 4?

(see the answer keys)

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