"The Doll's House" by Katherine Mansfield Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 62 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

"The Doll's House" by Katherine Mansfield Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 62 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who sent Aunt Beryl a letter which terrified her earlier that afternoon that the Kelveys came to see the dollhouse?
(a) Chet Akerman.
(b) Pat Williams.
(c) Willie Brent.
(d) Walter Burndale.

2. What types of sandwiches do most of the girls eat during dinner hour at school?
(a) Ham and cheese.
(b) Peanut butter and jelly.
(c) Turkey and avocado.
(d) Mutton, Johnny cake and butter.

3. What does Lil tell Kezia her mother had told their mother?
(a) That the Burnell's were moving.
(b) That they were not to speak.
(c) That Kezia was rude.
(d) That the Kelveys could have the dollhouse.

4. What is the main topic of discussion at school after Isabel has shown the dollhouse to several classmates?
(a) Emmie's new shoes.
(b) Upcoming exams.
(c) Lena's new doll.
(d) The dollhouse.

5. What does Emmie Cole say about Lil Kelvey during dinner hour one day after all the girls except the Kelveys had seen the dollhouse?
(a) Lil cheats on her exams.
(b) Lil is going to be a servant when she grows up.
(c) Lil is not very smart.
(d) Lil does not know who her father is.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which school girl suggested she ask Lil if what Emmie said about her is true?

2. How are Lil and our Else described when leaving the Burnells after seeing the dollhouse?

3. What does Aunt Beryl tell the Kelveys at the end of "The Doll's House"?

4. What type of trees do the children sit under during dinner hour at school?

5. Why do the Kelvey sisters walk away while Isabel is choosing who will see the dollhouse?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Kezia say to the Kelveys to try to convince them it is okay for them to see the dollhouse?

2. What does our Else say to Lil after Aunt Beryl chases them out of the Burnell's courtyard?

3. Who are the first two girls allowed to see the dollhouse?

4. Who asks Mrs. Burns if the Kelveys can come see the dollhouse, and how does Mrs. Burns respond?

5. How do the girls behave toward Isabel in order to get a chance at seeing the dollhouse?

6. What does Lena Logan say to Lil Kelvey during dinner hour at school?

7. What do the schoolgirls do after Lena approaches Lil Kelvey during dinner hour at school?

8. Why does Lil say she should not come over to the Burnell's when Kezia invites her to see the dollhouse?

9. Who does Kezia see when she is in her backyard after school and what does she ask them?

10. What does our Else do to let her sister know she wants to see the dollhouse?

(see the answer keys)

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