"The Doll's House" by Katherine Mansfield Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 62 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

"The Doll's House" by Katherine Mansfield Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 62 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How are Lil and our Else described when leaving the Burnells after seeing the dollhouse?
(a) Cowering with humiliation.
(b) Burning with shame.
(c) Jumping with excitement.
(d) Beaming with pride.

2. Why do Lottie and Isabel change as soon as they get home from school?
(a) They have visitors.
(b) They got their clothes muddy on the way home from school.
(c) They tore their dresses jumping over the fence.
(d) They have ballet class.

3. What does Aunt Beryl scold Kezia for at the end of "The Doll's House"?
(a) Inviting the Kelveys over.
(b) Not changing out of her school clothes.
(c) Not helping with dinner.
(d) Not cleaning her room.

4. How is Lil's smile described when she is approached by Lena during dinner hour at school?
(a) Silly and shamefaced.
(b) Bright and shiny.
(c) Solemn and sad.
(d) Big and broad.

5. Who does Emmie mimic when she nods at Isabel after saying something mean about Lil Kelvey?
(a) Mrs. Burnell.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Their teacher.
(d) Isabel.

6. What is the main topic of discussion at school after Isabel has shown the dollhouse to several classmates?
(a) Upcoming exams.
(b) Lena's new doll.
(c) Emmie's new shoes.
(d) The dollhouse.

7. Who tells Emmie during dinner hour that what she said about Lil is awful?
(a) Isabel.
(b) Lena.
(c) Kezia.
(d) Jessie.

8. Who does Kezia see passing her house while she is swinging on the gates in her yard?
(a) Her teacher.
(b) Her sisters.
(c) Aunt Beryl.
(d) The Kelveys.

9. Where is Aunt Beryl told to meet the man who wrote her a letter?
(a) Pulman's Bush.
(b) Hallerman's Barn.
(c) Packman's Farm.
(d) Hillman's meadow.

10. What types of sandwiches do most of the girls eat during dinner hour at school?
(a) Mutton, Johnny cake and butter.
(b) Ham and cheese.
(c) Peanut butter and jelly.
(d) Turkey and avocado.

11. What does Aunt Beryl tell the Kelveys at the end of "The Doll's House"?
(a) Please stay for supper.
(b) Why is your father is jail?
(c) Run away and don't come back.
(d) Send my regards to your dear mother.

12. What adjectives are used to describe the way Aunt Beryl speaks to the Kelveys at the end of "The Doll's House"?
(a) Cold and proud.
(b) Soft and sweet.
(c) Thunderous and angry.
(d) Stern and final.

13. Who asks Mrs. Burnell if the Kelveys can come to see the dollhouse?
(a) Kezia.
(b) Lottie.
(c) Isabel.
(d) Lena.

14. What does Kezia say to the Kelveys when she sees them after school while her sisters are changing?
(a) She asks if they passed their exams.
(b) She asks if they want to see the dollhouse.
(c) She asks if their father is really in jail.
(d) She tells them to stay away from her yard.

15. How do the schoolgirls who are watching Lena as she talks to Lil react?
(a) They giggle.
(b) They tell their teacher on Lena.
(c) They run off and jump rope without Lena.
(d) They pretend they do not know what is going on.

Short Answer Questions

1. How are Lil and our Else described when they were following Kezia to the dollhouse?

2. What does Lena say to Lil when she does not like the way she responded to her question during dinner hour at school?

3. What kind of sandwiches do Lil and our Else eat during dinner hour at school?

4. Who is one of the first girls Isabel chooses to come to see the dollhouse?

5. Why does Kezia tell the Kelveys it is okay for them to see the dollhouse when they pass her house after school?

(see the answer keys)

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