The Discourses Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Discourses Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What phrase could summarize what Livius' details as qualifications for an effective Captain.
(a) He leads by deeds and not words.
(b) His wisdom is established by his deceptions.
(c) He earns animosity in training but trust in battle.
(d) His men hate his personality but love his tactics.

2. What does Machiavelli claim to be the cause of Princes losing inherited power?
(a) Indifference to their Principality.
(b) Their rejection of laws and ancient institutions.
(c) Incompetence.
(d) Arrogance.

3. What type of person does Machiavelli advise against promoting to important positions in a Republic?
(a) Anyone who has been done a notable injury by someone.
(b) Anyone who has killed a rival.
(c) Anyone who has avoided war.
(d) Anyone who is ambitious.

4. Why does Machiavelli believe that leaders of his time refuse to follow the examples of dealing with tumults set by leaders of ancient times.
(a) They did not have the power of the Romans.
(b) They were too easily influenced by women.
(c) They regard the judgments of ancient leaders to be inhuman and impossible to apply.
(d) They did not have the virtu of the Romans.

5. How does the institution that makes men "harsh or effeminate" influence them, according to Machiavelli?
(a) Because, "The Plebs either prepare for virtus of war or fall to corruption."
(b) Because, "The magistrates either declare punishments or delays judgment."
(c) Because, "It is very important that a young man of tender years begins to hear the good and bad of a thing."
(d) Because, "The Senate either deliberates or declares war."

6. In Book 3, Section 25, what does Machiavelli repeat to be the most useful thing to establish in a Republic?
(a) Women's rights.
(b) Public mechanisms for delivering benefits.
(c) That its Citizens are to be kept poor.
(d) Universal suffrage.

7. Why does Machiavelli consider it impossible to establish a perpetual Republic?
(a) Because all the ruling Nobles will have to be sent to colonies.
(b) Because a Republic will always have ambitious men.
(c) Because in a thousand unforeseen ways its ruin may be caused.
(d) Because a Republic must always send its best men to war.

8. What are the two things that Machiavelli cites as the causes of the dissolution of the Roman Republic?
(a) Sloth and leisure.
(b) Contentions that arose from the Agrarian law and the prolongation of military commands.
(c) Inflation of the currency and bureaucracy.
(d) Defiance of laws by Nobles and corruption of Plebs.

9. What are Machiavelli's two thoughts on fortresses?
(a) They are not necessary and harmful.
(b) They build confidence and demonstrate power.
(c) They are costly and hard to maintain.
(d) They are important for protection and wise for storing armaments.

10. What kinds of men are frowned upon in corrupt Republics?
(a) Common men.
(b) Vocal men.
(c) Excellent men.
(d) Scribes.

11. What does Machiavelli claim happens to great men in times of peace?
(a) They become corrupted and evil.
(b) They become neglected.
(c) They retire and slip into obscurity.
(d) They become tyrants.

12. Who was esteemed as being wise for acting foolish from Livius' history of Rome?
(a) Octavious Brutus.
(b) Caesar Junius.
(c) Junius Caesar.
(d) Junius Brutus

13. What were placed to the right and the left of every battle line of the Roman army?
(a) Tribunes.
(b) The cavalry.
(c) Captains.
(d) Plebs.

14. How do weak men handle changes in fortune, according to Machiavelli?
(a) They are vain and inebriated by good fortune and vile and abject in bad fortune.
(b) They are insufferable in good times and obscure in bad times.
(c) They are arrogant in good times and cowards in bad times.
(d) They are greedy in good times and beggars in bad times.

15. What does Machiavelli write will prevent a bad Citizen from working evil in a Republic?
(a) Conspiracy against the bad Citizen.
(b) The absence of corruption.
(c) General disregard for their reputation.
(d) The government taking steps to temporize the bad Citizen.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what is Machiavelli critical regarding the military tactics of his day?

2. What method of dealing with leaders of tumults that divide cities does Machiavelli favor?

3. Against whom are conspiracies made?

4. What is Machiavelli's preferred military department?

5. Who does Machiavelli consider to have an advantage in battle?

(see the answer keys)

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