The Discourses Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Discourses Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are reasons Machiavelli cited for a group of people leaving their native country to seek a new home?
(a) Racial conflict and economic injustice.
(b) Overcrowding and social unrest.
(c) Pestilence, famine or war.
(d) Family strife and lack of work.

2. What is the branch of government that Machiavelli recognizes as that which most prevents or causes corruption to come over a city?
(a) The judicial (magistrates) branch.
(b) The princes.
(c) The legislative branch.
(d) The plebeian branch.

3. Why does Machiavelli suggest that those who have received great rewards should not be spared punishments for acting badly?
(a) Because doing so gives the Prince the opportunity to prove his harshness.
(b) Because doing so helps the Republic remain free for a long time.
(c) Because doing so helps to find the most ardent supporters of the Prince.
(d) Because doing so keeps the most famous citizens obedient to the Prince.

4. What does Machiavelli consider to be the means of someone rising from the bottom to gain a great fortune?
(a) Force and fraud.
(b) Hard work and creativity.
(c) Diligence and humility.
(d) Deceit and self preservation.

5. What does Machiavelli establish as the relationship between gold and good soldiers?
(a) Gold is not sufficient to find good soldiers, but good soldiers are indeed sufficient to find gold.
(b) Gold attracts good soldiers.
(c) The promise of gold will make soldiers weaker.
(d) Gold will cause good soldiers to go bad.

6. Of what should Princes be most ashamed in Machiavelli's view?
(a) Missing opportunities to conquer other cities.
(b) Consuming his wealth in debauchery.
(c) Being discovered to be self-absorbed and not devoted to building the strength of their cities.
(d) Lacking their own soldiers for defense and offense.

7. How did Machiavelli report that the Nobles controlled the process of Plebes having the opportunity to choose Plebes for four Tribunes?
(a) They began a war and had many Plebes sent to a foreign province.
(b) They were in charge of counting the votes.
(c) They controlled the means of Plebes to provide for themselves.
(d) They offered choices between highly reputable Nobles and ignoble Plebes who asked to be considered for the positions.

8. Why does Machiavelli recommend that those who want to reform a city should retain the appearance of the institutions they want to reform?
(a) Because keeping the appearance of those institutions assures a smooth transition of power.
(b) Because keeping the appearance of those institutions helps to hide the true agenda of the Prince.
(c) Because keeping the appearance of those institutions helps to keep important advisers within the circle of government.
(d) Because the general masses are satisfied with appearances and are moved by things as they appear rather than by the way they operate (perception is reality).

9. According to Machiavelli, what caused so much hard work for Rome as it expanded its Empire to distant provinces?
(a) The demands on farmers to provide the food for soldiers on long trips.
(b) The damage to families who sent their working sons to war.
(c) The love of people of other lands for liberty.
(d) The cost of sending the military to distant provinces.

10. According to Machiavelli, what was one negative consequence of the Roman Senate's decision to pay soldiers out of public money?
(a) Soldiers began expecting regular pay raises.
(b) Rome was required to produce more currency to meet the payments, so the currency was devalued.
(c) So many Citizens joined the military that there were not enough to perform necessary jobs throughout the Republic.
(d) It raised taxes on Nobles.

11. Why does Machiavelli suggest that a Prince keep his conquered territories disunited from the City over which he has his power?
(a) So his City is not affected by immigration.
(b) So that the Prince alone can profit from the acquisition.
(c) So the conquered territories cannot unite with his existing Citizens to overthrow him.
(d) So the merchants can benefit from the trade between the City and the conquered territory.

12. Based upon Machiavelli's details, for whose benefit were the "demonstrations made to the benefit" of Plebes devoted?
(a) The Plebes who had very busy working lives.
(b) Magistrates who used public works as a means of keeping political support from the general masses.
(c) The benefit of Nobles and people in power.
(d) The benefit of the Kings who needed occupiers throughout the Empire.

13. What does Machiavelli recommend to a City that is unable to defend itself, but wants to be protected from anyone who would attack it?
(a) To give itself freely to whomever would defend the city.
(b) Hire mercenaries.
(c) Train its citizens to form a strong army.
(d) Make alliances with powerful Cities.

14. What did Machiavelli suggest is the advantage of settling in areas that were "sterile" (barren)?
(a) Residents of sterile areas become more creative and develop technologies that can be sold to more fertile areas.
(b) Barren areas stand at crossroads between fertile areas so they can control trade between prosperous cities.
(c) The isolation from more fertile areas allow for greater freedom.
(d) The poverty of resources would require those living there to have less cause for discord.

15. What does Machiavelli claim will make a City great?
(a) Many soldiers.
(b) Many administrators.
(c) Many inhabitants.
(d) Many industries.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long did Sparta peacefully exist without changing its laws, according to Machiavelli?

2. What did Machiavelli cite as the method that Rome used to maintain its freedom?

3. What were the reasons that Machiavelli cited for the Roman Senate choosing to pay a public stipend to fighting men (soldiers)?

4. What is Machiavelli's conclusion regarding how someone can establish a Republic where there is great equality?

5. What are three reasons that Machiavelli gives for cities becoming unhappy?

(see the answer keys)

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