The Discourses Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Discourses Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book Three, The Example of Rome's Great Men, Salus Populi, Suprema Lex, Further Reflections Based on the Samnite Wars, The Preservation of Freedom in a Republic.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the two means that Machiavelli identifies as how laws are developed in cities at the beginning of Section 2, Book One.
(a) At one time by one man and by chance at several times according to events.
(b) By war and by peace.
(c) Through Princes or through Republics.
(d) Through dominion of the wealthy or through bartering agreements.

2. When Machiavelli writes, "For sometimes of necessity our judgment is the truth, as human affairs are always in motion, either ascending or descending," what is he writing about what he believes about truth?
(a) Truth is irrelevant to the reason for making judgments.
(b) Truth is not as important as the people you make relationships with.
(c) You can't make sound judgments without having a firm grasp on the truth.
(d) Machiavelli considers truth to be relative.

3. What are the two causes that will bring a corrupted Republic to take the important step of extending its life?
(a) Religion and industry.
(b) Intrinsic and extrinsic.
(c) Revolution and overthrow.
(d) Wisdom and knowledge.

4. What does Machiavelli identify as the difference between a Republic and the State (government) in how they can handle maladies?
(a) A Republic appoints a bureaucracy, but a state goes to war.
(b) A Republic has time to correct maladies, but a State does not.
(c) A Republic uses its freedom, but a state uses its laws.
(d) A Republic counts on the wisdom of its Plebes, but a State uses the wealth of its Nobles.

5. How did Machiavelli begin the preface to "The Discourses"?
(a) With advice to two friends on how to keep their friends close and their enemies closer.
(b) As a letter to two political thinkers from Florence.
(c) As a warning to future generations of the tenuous nature of freedom.
(d) As a cynical commentary to the weakness of leaders of his time.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Machiavelli's preferred military department?

2. In Book 1, Section 37, what does Machiavelli claim to be the foundation of well-ordered Republics?

3. What does Machiavelli identify as an important action for Nobles to take to control the ambitions of Citizens seeking position?

4. How does Machiavelli suggest that a man with power should present himself to a city in turmoil?

5. For what reason does Machiavelli advise people in power to, "...lay aside personal hatred?"

(see the answer key)

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