The Discourses Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Discourses Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book One, The Development of Rome's Constitution, Sundry Reflections on the Kings of Rome, The Introduction of New Forms of Government, Ingratitude.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Machiavelli identify as the cause of conspiracy against a hereditary Princes?
(a) The larger population of citizens became unhappy with the the political preferences of the Princes.
(b) They degenerated from their fathers, and surpassed others in sumptuousness and lasciviousness and in every other kind of delight.
(c) The general population became dissatisfied with the distribution of wealth.
(d) Less powerful people desired the power of the Prince.

2. Why does Machiavelli claim these forms of government developed?
(a) So those with wealth could protect themselves from those who had none.
(b) So those with influence could hold it without violence.
(c) To prevent people with the ability to use force from destroying each other.
(d) To provide defense for people who gathered together.

3. How does Machiavelli predict a citizen will conduct himself if he is not punished for his misdeeds because of his reputation for doing good deeds, according to Machiavelli.
(a) He will become the most effective aide to the Prince and help expand his power over the citizens.
(b) He will find ways to subvert the Prince and take his power.
(c) He will, in short time, become so insolent as to put an end to all civil law.
(d) He will eventually become overwhelmed by his conscience and slip away into obscurity.

4. What does Machiavelli consider prudence in a Prince or a King?
(a) Knowing that the enemy of his enemy is his friend.
(b) In times of peace not neglecting the arrangements of war.
(c) Picking battles that are important enough to fight and small enough to win.
(d) Keeping friends close and enemies closer.

5. What is the main point Machiavelli investigates as he prepares to discuss the affects of strong Princes and weak Princes?
(a) How strict power eliminates corruption and maintains freedom.
(b) Whether a free state can exist without laws.
(c) Whether a free state can exist with virtuous Princes.
(d) Whether a free state (government) can exist in a city that is corrupted.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Machiavelli, what type of people seek what office to cause a city to become corrupt?

2. According to Machiavelli, what caused the Roman Republic to form?

3. How did Machiavelli begin the preface to "The Discourses"?

4. What historical records did Machiavelli use to support his point for keeping two important items out of peril?

5. What are the five types of government identified by Machiavelli?

(see the answer key)

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