The Discourses Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Discourses Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book One, The Development of Rome's Constitution, The Use and Abuse of Dictatorship, The Road to Ruin, Sundry Reflections Based on the Decemvirate.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Machiavelli identify as the cause of conspiracy against a hereditary Princes?
(a) The larger population of citizens became unhappy with the the political preferences of the Princes.
(b) Less powerful people desired the power of the Prince.
(c) They degenerated from their fathers, and surpassed others in sumptuousness and lasciviousness and in every other kind of delight.
(d) The general population became dissatisfied with the distribution of wealth.

2. Why does Machiavelli claim these forms of government developed?
(a) To provide defense for people who gathered together.
(b) So those with influence could hold it without violence.
(c) To prevent people with the ability to use force from destroying each other.
(d) So those with wealth could protect themselves from those who had none.

3. What did Machiavelli suggest is the advantage of settling in areas that were "sterile" (barren)?
(a) Barren areas stand at crossroads between fertile areas so they can control trade between prosperous cities.
(b) The isolation from more fertile areas allow for greater freedom.
(c) Residents of sterile areas become more creative and develop technologies that can be sold to more fertile areas.
(d) The poverty of resources would require those living there to have less cause for discord.

4. What is another method that Machiavelli reports leaders use to offend their citizens?
(a) Refusing to provide sufficient education for the youth.
(b) Refusing to provide wealth to the general masses.
(c) Persisting in harsh punishments for misdemeanors.
(d) Persisting in acts that are considered offensive to citizens.

5. According to Machiavelli in Section 1 of Book One, who are the two types of people who build cities?
(a) Craftsmen and politicians.
(b) Princes and generals.
(c) Men born in their location or foreigners.
(d) Farmers and merchants.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Machiavelli, how did the Nobles of Rome attempt to correct the limit on the wealth that was placed on them by Agrarian Laws?

2. What does Machiavelli believe to the nature of men that causes them to either fight from ambition or from necessity?

3. Why does Machiavelli suggest that those who have received great rewards should not be spared punishments for acting badly?

4. What are the five types of government identified by Machiavelli?

5. What does Machiavelli consider an important tool in maintaining the order of a Republic?

(see the answer key)

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