The Discourses Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Discourses Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book Three, The Examples of Rome's Great Men, Sundry Remarks on Strategy, Tactics, New Devices and Discipline, Administrative Posts, Administrative Methods: The Rival Claims of Severity and Good Fellowship.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What support did Machiavelli use for his view of what he considers to be the worst example provided by leaders?
(a) A recent denial of appeal by Girolamo Savonarola to five citizens sentenced to death after Savonarola wrote the law allowing appeals.
(b) A series of Caesars who named friends to be Captains.
(c) Tribunes who called the army from foreign provinces and decommissioned its Captains.
(d) The lawlessness that overtook Carthage as its Princes suspended harsh sentences for crimes against the State.

2. When Machiavelli writes, "For sometimes of necessity our judgment is the truth, as human affairs are always in motion, either ascending or descending," what is he writing about what he believes about truth?
(a) Truth is irrelevant to the reason for making judgments.
(b) Truth is not as important as the people you make relationships with.
(c) Machiavelli considers truth to be relative.
(d) You can't make sound judgments without having a firm grasp on the truth.

3. What does Machiavelli establish as the relationship between gold and good soldiers?
(a) Gold is not sufficient to find good soldiers, but good soldiers are indeed sufficient to find gold.
(b) Gold attracts good soldiers.
(c) The promise of gold will make soldiers weaker.
(d) Gold will cause good soldiers to go bad.

4. Why does Machiavelli admire Fabius Maximus for avoiding battles?
(a) Because it gave the Senate time to negotiate a treaty.
(b) Because he waited until the time for battle was in his favor.
(c) Because he did not have a sufficient number of soldiers.
(d) Because his soldiers were unqualified for battle.

5. What is an obvious counterpoint to Machiavelli's assertion to the benefits of the power of the Caesars to the Roman Empire?
(a) Without the Caesars, provinces of the Empire would have moved to avoid hazards.
(b) If the Nobles of Rome had not sought to possess distant provinces, there would have been no need for Caesars.
(c) Without the empire is it possible that the hazards the empire faced would not have materialized.
(d) The cost of Empire caused hazards to gather domestically as well as throughout the Empire.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book 1, Section 37, what does Machiavelli claim to be the foundation of well-ordered Republics?

2. How does Machiavelli suggest that Princes and other leaders deal with acts that offend their citizens?

3. In the comparison between the tactics of Scipio and Hannibal, what does Machiavelli consider to be praiseworthy?

4. How does Machiavelli recommend a Republic deal with enemies that spring up within an empire?

5. What type of person does Machiavelli advise against promoting to important positions in a Republic?

(see the answer key)

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