The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was historically important for the Middle Ages?
(a) Religious fervor.
(b) The model.
(c) Writings.
(d) Heated debates.

2. Who does Chacidius borrow from to expand the Doctrine of the Triad?
(a) Aristotle.
(b) Apulieus.
(c) Chaucer.
(d) Plato.

3. When did the model appear?
(a) Middle Ages.
(b) The stone ages.
(c) Classical antiquity.
(d) Industrial Age.

4. Which of these was the model centered on?
(a) The universe.
(b) Theology.
(c) Nature.
(d) The earth.

5. What was philosophy supposed to be free of in order to be pure?
(a) Bias.
(b) Theology.
(c) Paganism.
(d) Symbolism.

6. Which of the following was NOT a contributor to the model?
(a) The Bible.
(b) Virgil.
(c) Dante's Divine Comedy.
(d) Ovid.

7. What separated nature from the sky?
(a) The horizon.
(b) The passing of the sun.
(c) The ocean tides.
(d) The orbit of the moon.

8. Who do Christians say created nature?
(a) God.
(b) Christ.
(c) Michael.
(d) Adam.

9. Why were those unaware of the model still affected by it?
(a) Their families were raised with it.
(b) The economic implications reached them.
(c) The writers wrote from it.
(d) The priests taught by it.

10. What did medieval men like to make systems out of?
(a) Employment.
(b) Ideas.
(c) Traditions.
(d) Books.

11. How did nature differ from the sky?
(a) Nothing in nature changes.
(b) Everything in nature changes.
(c) Nature is inhabited.
(d) Nature cannot be controlled.

12. Why is it hard to determine what Chalcidius's religion was?
(a) He writes both pagan and Christian literature.
(b) He never wrote about his beliefs.
(c) He was loved by both sides.
(d) He moved from place to place.

13. What, according to Macrobius, was a visum?
(a) A vision.
(b) A nightmare.
(c) An oracle.
(d) A repetition of events.

14. How does Lewis feel about the popular beliefs about medieval man?
(a) He agrees.
(b) He disagrees.
(c) He finds it rediculous.
(d) He partly agrees.

15. Who cited Lucan for scientific purposes?
(a) Dante.
(b) Aristotle.
(c) Plato.
(d) Sophocles.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many sources contributed to the model?

2. How does Lewis label the model?

3. Which of the following was a medieval writer?

4. What was nominalism opposed to?

5. What element of medieval times were effected by the model?

(see the answer keys)

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