The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band Test | Final Test - Easy

Tommy Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band Test | Final Test - Easy

Tommy Lee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Vince and Nikki begin to realize what have been the foundation for their rage and destructive behavior?
(a) Their friendships.
(b) The band.
(c) Their personalities.
(d) The childhood traumas.

2. What does Mick receive for Christmas gifts for several years?
(a) Keyboards.
(b) Guitars.
(c) Music books.
(d) Violins.

3. What does Vince have to do every day?
(a) Deliver newspapers.
(b) Fight for his life beating off gang attacks.
(c) Make dinner.
(d) Babysit his sister.

4. How does Mick remain regarding therapy?
(a) Closed.
(b) Open.
(c) Angry.
(d) Unsure.

5. Mick meets a girl named Sharon and they have a baby and do what?
(a) Give the baby up for adoption.
(b) Give the baby to her parents.
(c) Break up.
(d) Try to make it as a family.

6. Four-year-old Skylar had been rushed to the hospital for what reason?
(a) She had severe headaches.
(b) She had collapsed.
(c) She was vomitting.
(d) They thought her appendix had burst.

7. Eventually Vince wins the respect of some of the gang members and what happens to his life?
(a) It becomes very easy.
(b) It becomes a little easier.
(c) It becomes harder.
(d) It becomes scarier.

8. When Nikki does return to Los Angeles, what happens to him?
(a) He gets into an accident.
(b) He searches for his bandmates.
(c) He writes a new song.
(d) He overdoses.

9. Why does Doc quit the band?
(a) He does not want anymore money.
(b) He misses living in Florida.
(c) He likes another band better.
(d) He does not like them anymore.

10. Who does Doc require the band members to repay?
(a) Him.
(b) The Asian promoters.
(c) The European promoters.
(d) The American promoters.

11. Into what does Vince turn?
(a) A juvenile delinquent.
(b) A good student.
(c) A bit of a troublemaker.
(d) A model student.

12. What does Tommy recall is the reason for him to finally call Vince after all this time?
(a) Skylar's death.
(b) He misses him.
(c) His father dies.
(d) He wants to reunite the band.

13. What is the ultimate form of rejection for Tommy?
(a) Being punished in silence with no reasoning.
(b) Not being allowed to play his music.
(c) Having upset fans.
(d) Being dumped by a girlfriend.

14. Who is Lisa?
(a) Nikki's blind, mute, and crippled sister.
(b) Tommy's sister.
(c) Pamela's cousin.
(d) Nikki's new girlfriend.

15. Tommy is especially thrilled when Pamela becomes pregnant. What happens when she miscarries?
(a) Tommy is supportive.
(b) Tommy accepts it.
(c) Tommy sinks into a depression.
(d) Tommy encourages her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Before the band is allowed to record their next album, they must agree to what?

2. Who do the other band members blame for Tommy's leaving the band?

3. Tommy goes to Cancun where Pamela is doing what?

4. The rest of the band members are also in bad shape so what does Doc do?

5. Where does Vince's family finally decide to move?

(see the answer keys)

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