The Dinner Test | Final Test - Medium

Herman Koch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dinner Test | Final Test - Medium

Herman Koch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From whom does Michel gotten LPs when he was eight?
(a) Mr. Breedveld.
(b) Mr. Hoover.
(c) Mr. Von Deisen.
(d) Mr. Anderson.

2. Who has a loud argument over the dessert course?
(a) Serge and Babette.
(b) Paul and Claire.
(c) Babette and Claire.
(d) Serge and Paul.

3. How does Paul respond when Serge tries to calm him down on the night Serge and Babette are at Paul's house for dinner?
(a) Paul settles down and agrees to Serge's proposal.
(b) Paul savagely beats his brother with a hot saucepan.
(c) Paul withdraws and locks himself in his bedroom.
(d) Paul ignores him and workes on cleaning the kitchen.

4. What does Paul learn from his visits with the psychologist?
(a) He has burned out as a teacher.
(b) He has a neurological disorder.
(c) He has been taking the wrong medications.
(d) How to manage his anger.

5. During the meeting with his principal, why does Paul decide to not act on his impulses?
(a) He thinks about Michel.
(b) He fears he would be arrested.
(c) He wants to discuss his options with Claire first.
(d) He knows he will lose his job if he does.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Beau, Rick, and Michel started throwing trash, what item nearly hit a woman in the head?

2. After the news broadcast, what does Paul do?

3. Who is the school psychologist Paul went to see?

4. What dies Paul discover during Serge and Babette's visit to his home for dinner?

5. How does Paul react to the bike shop owner's tirade?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is clear about the behavior and actions of the perpetrators in the security video Paul watches on the news?

2. What does Paul order for dessert and what are his thoughts on it?

3. Where does Paul find the new video of the crime? What is it labeled as?

4. How is Claire treated for her illness in Chapter 34?

5. What treatment does Paul receive for his medical condition?

6. What has Paul prepared for dinner when Serge and Babette visit while Claire is in the hospital? Why?

7. How does Babette respond to the dessert in Chapter 36?

8. How does Paul's house appear when Babette and Serge visit while Claire is in the hospital?

9. What does Paul suggest Michel do about the cell phone in Chapter 26?

10. How does Paul describe the relationship between Michel and Rick in Chapter 26?

(see the answer keys)

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