The Dinner Test | Final Test - Medium

Herman Koch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dinner Test | Final Test - Medium

Herman Koch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Serge, how has the incident at the ATM affected Rick?
(a) He has developing a disturbing violent streak.
(b) He is terrified of getting caught by the police.
(c) He seems completely unaffected by the incident.
(d) He is racked with guilt over his actions.

2. What name does Paul give for his wife to the principal in Chapter 30?
(a) Michelle.
(b) Carla.
(c) Anna.
(d) Jaime.

3. When Beau, Rick, and Michel started throwing trash, what item nearly hit a woman in the head?
(a) A television.
(b) A bag of rotten fruit.
(c) A table lamp.
(d) A gasoline can.

4. What is Paul initially worried about when he starts his treatment for his disorder?
(a) That Michel will not be able to look at him as strong father.
(b) That the treatment will fail and that he will lose his faculties.
(c) That the medications will alter his personality without his noticing.
(d) That Claire might leave him if he becomes too dependent on her.

5. What happens when the restaurant owner comes over to the table?
(a) The owner asks all of them to leave.
(b) The owner offers them another dinner free of charge.
(c) Paul screams obscenities at him and orders him away.
(d) Babette throws a glass of wine at him.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the news broadcast, what does Paul do?

2. Outside the restaurant, when Paul tells Michel that he has seen the videos on his phone, what does Michel want to know?

3. What chance is Serge unwilling to take?

4. What do Paul and Claire see on the news?

5. What does Paul order for dessert at the restaraunt?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Paul set up dinners for he and Michel while Claire is in the hospital?

2. What is clear about the behavior and actions of the perpetrators in the security video Paul watches on the news?

3. Why does Paul wish for a war or terrorist attack in Chapter 24?

4. Where does Paul find the new video of the crime? What is it labeled as?

5. What response does Claire have as she and Paul watch the surveillance video on television?

6. What effects does Paul's medication have on him?

7. How is Beau's behavior compared with that of Michel and Rick in the scenario presented in Chapter 21?

8. What justificaton is given for the boys' actions in Chapter 21?

9. How does Michel react to the scene at the bicycle shop?

10. What does Paul consider about children when speaking with the psychologist in Chapter 31?

(see the answer keys)

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