The Dinner Test | Final Test - Easy

Herman Koch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dinner Test | Final Test - Easy

Herman Koch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Serge announce there will be a press conference in Chapter 38?
(a) Tomorrow at eight.
(b) Tomorrow at noon.
(c) Tomorrow at nine.
(d) Wednesday at two.

2. What promise does Paul elicit from Claire after he begins his treatment?
(a) To never let him miss a medication dose.
(b) That if his personality changes, she will tell him.
(c) That if he dies, she will find another husband.
(d) That she will always take care of him.

3. What does Michel accidentally do when he is eight years old?
(a) He leaves the door open, allowing the dog to escape.
(b) He runs over his cousin with his bike.
(c) He kicks a ball through a bike shop window.
(d) He starts a fire in the house.

4. How does the bike shop owner respond to Paul's visit?
(a) He thanks Paul for covering the damage.
(b) He gives Michel a bell for his handlebars.
(c) He tries to sell him a newer, more expensive bike.
(d) He angrily refers to Michel as a punk.

5. Who is the school psychologist Paul went to see?
(a) Steinmann.
(b) Van Dieren.
(c) Von Hoover.
(d) Rothbower.

6. While Claire is in the hospital, what does Paul struggle to do?
(a) Come to terms with the severity of Claire's illness.
(b) Stay away from the hospital.
(c) Hold onto his job.
(d) Maintain a sense of normalcy at home.

7. How does the video on the news broadcast that Paul and Claire see end?
(a) With the arrival of the police.
(b) With the gas can igniting and engulfing the old woman in flames.
(c) With Serge going before the cameras and insisting the attackers be brought to justice.
(d) With clear pictures of Michel and Rick.

8. What does Paul order for dessert at the restaraunt?
(a) A cheese plate.
(b) Strawberry shortcake.
(c) Baked Alaska.
(d) Cheesecake.

9. From whom does Michel gotten LPs when he was eight?
(a) Mr. Anderson.
(b) Mr. Hoover.
(c) Mr. Von Deisen.
(d) Mr. Breedveld.

10. What does Michel insist to Paul about the incident?
(a) That they had nothing to do with the attack.
(b) That they thought the gas can was empty.
(c) The Rick was the ringleader and forced him into it.
(d) That the woman deserved what she got.

11. What additional information does Paul learn from his web searching?
(a) Paul discovers nothing else about the incident anywhere online.
(b) Paul finds additional cell phone video of the fire in the ATM.
(c) Paul learns that the police are close to naming a suspect in the crime.
(d) Paul reads the life story of the victim.

12. What message does the poster of the cell phone video leave at the end of the clip on the internet?
(a) That viewers should donate to support the victim's family.
(b) That someone else was present during the incident.
(c) That more of the video will be posted soon.
(d) That Michel and Rick are the attackers.

13. Who witnesses Paul's violent outburst in the kitchen?
(a) Claire.
(b) Paul's doctor.
(c) Michel.
(d) Paul's boss.

14. What does Paul learn from his visits with the psychologist?
(a) He has been taking the wrong medications.
(b) He has burned out as a teacher.
(c) He has a neurological disorder.
(d) How to manage his anger.

15. What name does Paul give for his wife to the principal in Chapter 30?
(a) Jaime.
(b) Anna.
(c) Michelle.
(d) Carla.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Paul react to the bike shop owner's tirade?

2. What do Paul and Claire see on the news?

3. After the news broadcast, what does Paul do?

4. What dish does Paul prepare on the night that Serge and Babette come over to try and prove his domestic capabilities?

5. In the flashback to when Paul is still teaching, where does he take a trip to?

(see the answer keys)

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