The Dinner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Herman Koch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dinner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Herman Koch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long is it before the elections at the time of the narrative?
(a) Six to seven months.
(b) Eight to nine months.
(c) Two to three months.
(d) Seven weeks.

2. How does Serge greet Paul at the restaurant?
(a) With a rude remark.
(b) With a warm embrace.
(c) With an impersonal handshake.
(d) With a pat on the back and a joke.

3. How does Paul describe Serge's appearance?
(a) He is squat.
(b) He is obese.
(c) He is ugly.
(d) He is attractive.

4. Where does Beau come from?
(a) The United States
(b) The south of France.
(c) An economically depressed region of Holland.
(d) A small African country.

5. What does Serge say is the work of a small minority of troublemakers?
(a) The bullying of Beau by the locals.
(b) The vandalizing of Serge's grape vines.
(c) Anti-Dutch graffiti on the walls in town.
(d) Rocks thrown through Serge's windows.

6. When Paul senses the tension between Serge and Babette, what does he hope?
(a) They they will work it out when they get home.
(b) That they will come to an understanding.
(c) That he and Claire will never feel that way towards each other.
(d) That it will erupt into a conflict during the night.

7. Who does Paul tell Michel he is trying to call on his phone when Michel arrives to pick it up at the restaurant?
(a) Claire.
(b) Rick.
(c) Babette.
(d) Michel.

8. Where does Serge first want to meet before the restaurant?
(a) The hip cafe.
(b) Serge's office.
(c) Paul's home.
(d) The scene of the crime.

9. Why does Serge shift from angry to charming towards the server who spills wine on him?
(a) He realizes that everyone in the restaurant is watching.
(b) Babette tells him to calm down.
(c) He looks up realized the server is an attractive young woman.
(d) He is trying to be a more forgiving person.

10. Why does Paul order an appetizer that he knows he won't like?
(a) Serge has ordered it and he trusts Serge's tastes.
(b) He is the last to order and he feels rushed.
(c) He wants to show he is open to new things.
(d) He is not hungry and has no intention of eating it.

11. What sports team hat had Beau begun wearing about six months ago?
(a) New Jersey Devils.
(b) San Jose Sharks.
(c) Dallas Cowboys.
(d) New York Yankees.

12. Who does Paul see two missed calls from on Michel's cell phone in Chapter 19?
(a) Faso.
(b) Rick.
(c) Brian.
(d) Ralph.

13. What is the apparent attitude of the locals towards the Dutch moving into their region?
(a) The locals welcome the Dutch.
(b) The locals fear the Dutch and want nothing to do with them.
(c) The locals dislike the Dutch.
(d) The locals make money off of the Dutch.

14. What color are the sneakers in the video on Michel's phone?
(a) Black.
(b) White.
(c) Blue.
(d) Red.

15. Watching his son approach on his bike at the restaurant, Paul compares Michel's movements with those of what?
(a) A robot.
(b) A hummingbird.
(c) A runaway slave.
(d) A predator.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reason does Paul give Michel for having Michel's phone?

2. When Paul ducks into the restroom to look at the videos on Michel's phone, what does he find?

3. What kind of wine does Serge order for the appetizer course?

4. What is happening when Paul returns from the restroom to the table?

5. To what actress does Paul compare the waitress at the restaurant?

(see the answer keys)

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