The Diary of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-portrait Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Diary of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-portrait Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Frida label her own work in the Diary?
(a) Revolutionary Realism.
(b) Retro Impressionism.
(c) Feminine Surrealism.
(d) Mexican Realism.

2. What childhood memory does Frida write about in 1950?
(a) Chewing on a doll's foot.
(b) Playing with an imaginary friend.
(c) Playing with a neighbor boy.
(d) Taking ballet classes.

3. What does Frida write "is the most ridiculous thing 'man' has"?
(a) Illness.
(b) Tragedy.
(c) Medicine.
(d) Art.

4. What does Lowe write makes a winged creature "speak to Kahlo's wholly subjective image of herself"?
(a) A trail of blood.
(b) An artificial leg.
(c) A cast.
(d) A long Oaxacan skirt.

5. In an image labeled "Dog," where does Frida place the dog?
(a) Around a man's neck.
(b) Swimming in a pond.
(c) In her garden.
(d) Jumping at the sight of a firework.

6. What did Frida label an image of a pigeon sitting atop a partially human body?
(a) "This pigeon will fly."
(b) "The pigeon made mistakes..."
(c) "100 Ways to Kill a Pigeon."
(d) "The pigeon headed woman."

7. Where does Frida describe meeting an imaginary friend?
(a) In the forest.
(b) At a store.
(c) Near her mother's beauty salon.
(d) At the National Palace.

8. As the Diary progresses, what does Lowe write that Frida gives an increasing amount of attention to?
(a) Communism.
(b) Her childhood.
(c) Her family history.
(d) Diego Rivera.

9. What does Lowe write that it means when she paints her right foot?
(a) It is a reflection on her childhood illness that affected this foot.
(b) It is a comical referrence to Diego Rivera's delicate painting of women's feet.
(c) This foot brought her pain, so she may have been focused on pain.
(d) The foot was a Toltec symbol.

10. What does Lowe argue the final image in Frida's diary is about?
(a) Her departure from this world.
(b) Her desire to communicate with her father who has passed away.
(c) Her wish for healing.
(d) Her love for her husband.

11. What does Lowe write that Citlali means?
(a) Home.
(b) Star.
(c) Death.
(d) Heaven.

12. What does Frida describe as "the harmony of form and color"?
(a) Revolution.
(b) Sleep.
(c) Human biological functions.
(d) Love.

13. Frida creates two images of death. One includes roots that above ground turn to flames. Which of the following best describes the mood of the image?
(a) Frightening.
(b) Quiet.
(c) Fun.
(d) Humorous.

14. Who does Frida credit with the fact that she is "no longer alone"?
(a) Marx and Engles.
(b) Catholicism.
(c) Pain medication.
(d) Diego Rivera.

15. Which of the following is a recurring figure in the Diary?
(a) Wings.
(b) Water.
(c) Animal feet.
(d) Fire.

Short Answer Questions

1. What film does Isabel Villasenor participate in?

2. Who did Frida give a painting to that she dated November 7, 1946?

3. What song lyrics does Frida repeatedly cite in the Diary?

4. Which of the following did Frida write over an image of a foot?

5. After writing, "I am no longer alone," who does Frida write that she loves?

(see the answer keys)

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