The Diary of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-portrait Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Diary of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-portrait Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Essay by Sarah M. Lowe.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What "path" does Lowe write that Frida illuminates in this Diary?
(a) "The path of a consummate artist."
(b) "The path toward love."
(c) "The path toward death."
(d) "The artist's path."

2. Who does Fuentes quote as having called pain "Dog"?
(a) Neitzsche.
(b) Engles.
(c) Marx.
(d) Diego Rivera.

3. What does Fuentes write happened in September of 1925 that changed Frida's life?
(a) She divorced for the first time.
(b) Her foot was amputated.
(c) She miscarried.
(d) An accident.

4. What are the carpas that Fuentes describes?
(a) A term for old neighborhoods, like Coyoacan, that were once separate from Mexico City, but became part of the city as it grew.
(b) Layers of "resentimiento," or popular resentment as the ideals of the Revolution were touted as realized in government.
(c) Tents that were the stage for satire in proletariat "barrios."
(d) A term for the typical cooking utensils that Adelitas, women who participated in the Revolution, typically carried on their backs.

5. How does Lowe explain that reading the Diary may affect our viewing of Kahlo's paintings?
(a) We may begin to grasp how much time Frida spent alone, and why she painted self-portraits.
(b) We may understand just how much Frida lived in her husband's shadow.
(c) We may understand how physical pain limited Frida.
(d) We may see Frida as more human.

Short Answer Questions

1. Before the Mexican Revolution, what culture does Fuentes write influenced Mexico and Latin America?

2. How does Lowe write that the text Kahlo includes in the images in her Diary affect the viewers understanding of the image?

3. What does Fuentes claim have been the worst traumas for Mexico?

4. How does Carlos Fuentes claim he first met Frida Kahlo?

5. How does Lowe describe the act of reading Kahlo's diary?

(see the answer key)

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