The Diary of a Country Priest Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Diary of a Country Priest Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the priest think most people are unhappy?
(a) They had bad childhoods
(b) They do not like themselves
(c) They don't make enough money
(d) They marry the wrong person

2. With what had Mme la Comtesse been suffering for quite awhile?
(a) Vague pains
(b) Painful joints
(c) Fading eyesight
(d) Migraine headaches

3. What makes the priest feel uncomfortable?
(a) The room is too hot
(b) The instruments are too cold
(c) The doctor's arrogance
(d) Being naked

4. What does Mlle Louise tell the priest that Mlle Chantal knows about him?
(a) That he puts sugar in his wine
(b) That he does not sleep much
(c) About his illness and his encounter with Seraphita in the lane
(d) That he waters his wine

5. Who does the priest meet on the road to Mezargues?
(a) Sulpice
(b) Mlle Louise
(c) M. Olivier
(d) Mlle Chantal

Short Answer Questions

1. What is in the medallion around Mme la Comtesse's neck?

2. How does Mme la Comtesse help the priest?

3. Who is the priest's doctor in Lille?

4. What happens to the priest one day as he is making his visits to parishioners?

5. What does the Cure de Torcy tell the priest about Mlle Chantal?

Short Essay Questions

1. In addition to Mlle Chantal's behavior, what else has impacted Mme la Comtesse's life?

2. What does the priest learn from the sacristan regarding the general perception people have of him?

3. What is the state of the priest's health in Chapter 7?

4. Explain the tragic irony of the events following the priest's visit with Mme la Comtesse.

5. In what circumstances does the priest feel youthful for the first time in his life?

6. What happens after the priest regains consciousness?

7. Explain how the situation with the medallion is the climax of the novel.

8. What does the priest note about his illness in Chapter 6?

9. What is the diagnosis of the young priest's disease?

10. Explain the irony of the doctor's physical health.

(see the answer keys)

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