The Diary of a Country Priest Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Diary of a Country Priest Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What surprising thing does the young priest do in a moment of self-pity?
(a) Refuses to hear confessions
(b) Schedules a vacation
(c) Drinks two bottles of wine
(d) Cries on the shoulder of a catechism student

2. What does Mlle Louise think she should do with Mlle Chantal?
(a) Put her up for adoption
(b) Ground her
(c) Homeschool her
(d) Send her to boarding school

3. What has the young priest been unaware of during his time at the parish?
(a) The Bishop is not pleased with him
(b) His bank account is exhausted
(c) Malicious gossip about him among the parishioners
(d) He has lost touch with all his friends

4. Who is M. Pamyre?
(a) The local grocer
(b) The school principal
(c) The postmaster
(d) The head of the Knights of Columbus

5. The young priest says his parishioners are _____________________.
(a) bored stiff
(b) faithful
(c) uneducated
(d) heathens

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Ambricourt?

2. Who has been gossiping about the young priest?

3. About what sacrament does the young priest wonder regarding his parishioners intentions?

4. What does the young priest teach the children of the parish?

5. What have the children of the parish lost?

Short Essay Questions

1. Dr. Delbende, the young priest's physician, dies from a gunshot wound which supposedly occurred while cleaning the gun. What is the unofficial story of the doctor's death?

2. Who is Mlle Louise?

3. How are the young priest's attempts to help Seraphita poorly received by the girl's mother?

4. How does the theme of pride emerge and how does the young priest perceive it?

5. What budget-related decision has the young priest reversed?

6. Explain the embarrassing situation the priest has with a local grocer.

7. What are the young priest's feelings about the sacrament of confession?

8. How has the young priest come to think about his parish so far?

9. Describe the scenario when Mlle Chantal approaches the priest after mass one morning.

10. Who is Louis Duprety?

(see the answer keys)

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