The Diary of a Country Priest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Diary of a Country Priest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mlle Louise come to the priest in a disheveled state?
(a) She has not received her final wages from M. le Comte
(b) She has not slept all night
(c) She is homeless
(d) She has been molested

2. What happens to the priest one day as he is making his visits to parishioners?
(a) He faints and coughs up blood
(b) He has a picnic lunch
(c) He gets lost
(d) He decides to quit early

3. Where did the priest go immediately after his doctor's appointment?
(a) A church
(b) A restaurant
(c) A pub
(d) A movie

4. How does Mme la Comtesse help the priest?
(a) Bandages his fingers
(b) Sends dinner to the presbytery
(c) Gives him money for personal needs
(d) Leads a church fundraiser

5. Why does Mme la Comte say her daughter is being sent away?
(a) She needs an advanced education
(b) She wants her to find a rich husband
(c) She is jealous of her governess
(d) She wants to travel

6. What does the priest tell Mlle Louise to do?
(a) Demand that her wages be paid
(b) Pray to Mary
(c) Hire an attorney
(d) Move to another part of the country

7. Of what does Mlle Louise warn the young priest?
(a) The seriousness of digestive illnesses
(b) The parish council's demand for his resignation
(c) The gossip of the altar society
(d) Mlle Chantal's hatred toward him

8. What happens to Mme la Comtesse later that night after her visit with the priest?
(a) She reconciles with her daughter
(b) She goes to confession
(c) She dies
(d) She converts

9. Who comes to catechism class with a limp?
(a) Mlle Louise
(b) Seraphita
(c) Sulpice
(d) Mlle Chantal

10. Who does the priest meet at Louis' house?
(a) Louis' priest
(b) Louis' neighbor
(c) Louis' girlfriend
(d) Louis' mother

11. What does the canon see on the priest's kitchen table?
(a) A bowl of fruit
(b) A bottle of wine
(c) A diary
(d) Dirty dishes

12. What does Mlle Chantal tell M. le Comte in front of the priest?
(a) That the music for the funeral has been decided
(b) To dismiss the governess, Mlle Louise, immediately
(c) That the priest tried to seduce her
(d) That she hates her father

13. What does Mlle Louise tell the priest that Mlle Chantal knows about him?
(a) That he waters his wine
(b) About his illness and his encounter with Seraphita in the lane
(c) That he does not sleep much
(d) That he puts sugar in his wine

14. What does the canon suggest that the priest write down?
(a) His resignation
(b) His catechism lesson plans
(c) His version of the meeting with Mme la Comtesse
(d) His sermon for Sunday

15. Who informs the Cure de Torcy about the priest's death?
(a) M. le Comte
(b) Mlle Chantal
(c) Louis
(d) Mlle Louise

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the priest recall about his life?

2. Why does the priest tell Seraphita that he is sad?

3. How does the priest injure his fingers and arm?

4. What does the priest do regarding his health this morning?

5. Who does the priest meet on the road to Mezargues?

(see the answer keys)

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