The Diamond Age, or, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Diamond Age, or, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After being released from his dream-like prison, what does Hackworth realize about the Drummers?
(a) The Drummers use music to exchange molecules of data.
(b) The Drummers use sex to exchange molecules of data.
(c) The Drummers use poetry to exchange musical theories.
(d) The Drummers use sex to exchange biological imprints.

2. After being released from his dream-like prison, Hackworth learns that he has lost what?
(a) His chance to return to China.
(b) His marriage.
(c) His relationship with his daughter.
(d) His membership in his phyle.

3. Where does Brad's friend take Nell and Harv so they can wait for Brad?
(a) A teahouse.
(b) The Gatehouse.
(c) The beach.
(d) The Millhouse.

4. Sitting in a teahouse, what does Carl Hollywood realize the Drummers are using to decipher codes?
(a) Rituals to help them discover programming errors.
(b) Sexual rituals to help them discover large prime numbers.
(c) Programs to help them perform sexual rituals.
(d) Infinite numbers to help them discover programming errors.

5. In the Primer, in the land of king Coyote, what does a crow steal from Princess Nell?
(a) A magic box.
(b) Twelve keys.
(c) Eleven keys.
(d) The Primer.

6. Who watches the three girls with Primers play outside the manor of Elizabeth's grandfather?
(a) Lord Finkle-McGraw, Judge Fang, and Gwendolyn.
(b) Lord Finkle-McGraw and Judge Fang.
(c) Lord Finkle-McGraw and Gwendolyn.
(d) Dr. X and Gwendolyn.

7. The workers of Dovetail produce goods for whom?
(a) The Ashantis.
(b) The Parsis.
(c) The Victorians.
(d) The Thetes.

8. As Nell nears the end of the Primer, what does she wonder?
(a) Nell wonders if the Primer is a conduit between herself and the Feed.
(b) Nell wonders if the Primer is a conduit between herself and another human who really loves her.
(c) Nell wonders if the Primer is forcing her into a role she does not want.
(d) Nell wonders if the Primer is a conduit between herself and the Fist of Righteous Harmony.

9. What does the Fist of Righteous Harmony try to do in the Pudong suburb?
(a) Burn the Seed lines that crisscross the city.
(b) Burn the Feed lines that crisscross the city.
(c) Destroy Cryptnet.
(d) Recruit new members.

10. What does Carl Hollywood discover has been implanted in everyone's blood by the Drummers?
(a) Parasites that make everyone want to participate in the Drummers' sexual rituals.
(b) Mites that can execute anyone with no warning.
(c) Mites that increase physical desire.
(d) Nanosites that make everyone part of a network of distributed intelligence.

11. What is the reason for Miss Stricken's highly repetitive and useless tasks at the Academy?
(a) To teach patience and obedience.
(b) To allow the other teachers some time away from the classroom.
(c) She takes joy from punishing the students.
(d) To teach good penmanship.

12. When Carl Hollywood visits a teahouse in Shanghai, he writes a paper in an effort to contact whom?
(a) Miranda.
(b) Beck.
(c) Hackworth.
(d) Dr. X.

13. When a grown-up Nell visits Harv in the Leased Territories, what does he ask her to do?
(a) Bring him a copy of the Primer.
(b) Find a cure for his health problems.
(c) Remember that he gave her the book that helped her become a powerful woman.
(d) Remember that he protected her from Tequila's many lovers.

14. How does Nell protect herself from what the Drummers have implanted in everyone's blood?
(a) She brews and drinks a potion using a recipe from the Primer.
(b) She cuts her wrist to drain some of the blood from her body.
(c) She quickly designs a counter-organism.
(d) She uses the power of free thought to fight the blood's influence.

15. After Princess Nell outwits King Coyote, what does the Primer predict for Nell's future?
(a) She will lead an army of women who are about her age.
(b) She will become the lead engineer at Bespoke.
(c) She is destined to become a princess.
(d) She will rule all of Shanghai.

Short Answer Questions

1. From the teahouse in Shanghai, what is Carl Hollywood able to control?

2. What strategy does Constable Moore use to best Nell in a fight?

3. In the Primer, Nell encounters an army of mice who ride on what?

4. From a park in Vancouver, Hackworth follows a mysterious woman where?

5. At the Cathay Hotel, what does Beck invite Miranda to do?

(see the answer keys)

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