The Diamond Age, or, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Diamond Age, or, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Diamond Age, or, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Hackworth is Brought Up-To-Date by the Great Napier | From the Primer, a Visit to Castle Turing.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Before Nell leaves Constable Moore and Dovetail, who does he advise her to be on the lookout for?
(a) The Fist of Righteous Harmony.
(b) The Victorians.
(c) Hackworth.
(d) Doctor X.

2. After being released from his dream-like prison, Hackworth learns that he has lost what?
(a) His relationship with his daughter.
(b) His chance to return to China.
(c) His membership in his phyle.
(d) His marriage.

3. Why does Hackworth believe it took two years to track down the location of the Primer?
(a) It probably remained inside a building during that period.
(b) The tracking mechanism may have been malfunctioning.
(c) The tracking mechanism may have been removed.
(d) The person reading the Primer took precautions to keep it hidden.

4. On her deathbed, what does Mrs. Matheson say to Nell?
(a) Nell is destined to stay at the Academy and she has a secret protector.
(b) Nell is destined to become great and she has a secret protector.
(c) Nell is destined to stay at the Academy and she must destroy the Primer.
(d) Nell is destined to become great and Constable Moore is her secret protector.

5. What item does Hackworth generate in Vancouver using the card given to him by Dr. X's courier?
(a) A mechanical horse that will fold into a chair.
(b) A mechanical horse that will fold into a suitcase.
(c) A mechanical horse that will fold into a computer.
(d) A mechanical donkey that will fold into a suitcase.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the occupation of Brad, who Nell and Harv have traveled to meet in Dovetail?

2. Why is Lord Finkle-McGraw unable to view the Primer when Hackworth gives it to him?

3. In Vancouver, what does Hackworth do with the map that tracks the movement of the Primer?

4. What name does Hackworth give to the item he generates in Vancouver using a card and a matter compiler?

5. In the Primer, how does Princess Nell communicate with the Duke of Turing?

(see the answer key)

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