The Dharma Bums Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dharma Bums Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To where does Ray hitchhike because he does not enjoy the trip with the drunk driver?
(a) El Paso
(b) Phoenix
(c) Flagstaff
(d) Santa Fe

2. Where does Ray go when he is accused of drinking too much?
(a) Pier 39
(b) Fisherman's Wharf
(c) Alvah's house
(d) Golden Gate Bridge

3. What month has begun at the beginning of this chapter?
(a) August
(b) July
(c) September
(d) October

4. Where does Ray sleep after being pursued by a young homosexual man?
(a) Park
(b) Desert
(c) Street
(d) Bus station

5. What did Ray notice about the big Texan with whom he rides?
(a) He smells.
(b) He doesn't know where he's going.
(c) He can't remember anything.
(d) He's a fibber.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who cooks dinner for the owners of the house and for Japhy?

2. What is the name of the dog Ray and his brother-in-law fight about?

3. What is the name of the ranger station where Ray arrives for his assignment?

4. What does Ray find outside of his cabin in the morning that makes him wonder if anyone can spot anything?

5. Who becomes sick and assisted by Ray with an insight he has while meditating?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Ray and Japhy do when they begin to get bored of the party?

2. What does Ray dream about when he is sleeping during the night after Japhy and he begin their hike?

3. Where is Ray's future job during the summer months?

4. Where is Japhy living when Ray finally finds him along his journey?

5. What does a local confide to Ray when the two become drunk together?

6. What does Rheinhold Cacoethes do during the going away party for Japhy?

7. What does Ray realize during one of his meditations he is empowered to do?

8. What is the vision Ray has in the fog while at Desolation Peak?

9. Why does Japhy want to introduce Ray to some friends at a lecture and discussion session?

10. What does Ray's brother-in-law think about his time in the woods and in the house?

(see the answer keys)

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