The Dharma Bums Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dharma Bums Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who offers to give Ray his old sleeping bag cover?
(a) The store owner
(b) Japhy
(c) Warren
(d) Alvah

2. To what city does Ray buy a bus ticket after he sleeps in a ditch several miles outside of Los Angeles?
(a) San Francisco
(b) Riverside
(c) Berkeley
(d) Oakland

3. What does Ray think about his life when he begins to contemplate Japhy's choices and outlook?
(a) It's been too internal
(b) It's been too cloudy
(c) It's been wasted
(d) It's been filled with goodness

4. Which university does Ray live near?
(a) UC at Irvine
(b) SFSU
(c) UC at Berkely
(d) UCLA

5. What does Ray find in the mountain's face and climbs into it?
(a) A cabin
(b) A cave
(c) A tiny slot
(d) A ledge

6. After Princess leaves, Japhy comes over to Alvah's house with a guest. Who is it?
(a) Rheinhold
(b) Morley
(c) Sean
(d) Coughlin

7. What is the profession of Henry Morley?
(a) Naturalist
(b) Professor
(c) Librarian
(d) Police officer

8. What does Morley do in order to show the other men where he is on the trail?
(a) Yodel
(b) Throws rocks
(c) Nothing
(d) Signal

9. What does Japhy use to look at the stars?
(a) Telescope
(b) Star map
(c) He doesn't
(d) Binoculars

10. When Ray and the truck driver get to the first city destination, where does the truck driver then offer to take Ray?
(a) North Carolina
(b) New York
(c) Ohio
(d) Florida

11. Whose shoes does Ray borrow when his feet become very sore?
(a) Morley's
(b) Japhy's
(c) No one's - he goes barefoot
(d) Warren's

12. In what city does Ray's mother live?
(a) Pleasanton
(b) Asheville
(c) Springfield
(d) Rocky Mount

13. What does Ray find profound as he sits and contemplates the immensity of the mountains?
(a) Japhy
(b) Silence
(c) The trees
(d) His mind

14. What do the bums tell Ray there is good money to be made prospecting?
(a) Coal
(b) Uranium
(c) Gold
(d) Plutonium

15. To what city do Japhy, Alvah, and Ray travel in order to buy hiking equipment?
(a) Oakland
(b) Berkeley
(c) San Francisco
(d) Monterey

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ray purchase in order to share with the other hobo on the train with him?

2. What does Ray see as being the only decent activity left in the world?

3. Whose life is considered to be on the good path?

4. What do the men decide to do while they wait for Morley?

5. Who is the backwoods boy who grew up in a log cabin in the woods?

(see the answer keys)

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